Love Stress Concentrate on the strengths of the relationship when dealing with relationship issues

Love Stress Concentrate on the strengths of the relationship when dealing with relationship issues / Health News

If the separation threatens to work out strengths in partnerships
When couples no longer run smoothly, sufferers often get tips from friends about how to take time off or sleep temporarily in separate beds. An expert has a helpful tip in an interview: couples should identify the strengths of the partnership.

Professional help with relationship problems
If it has been a problem for couples for some time, those affected by friends and acquaintances can often listen to well-intentioned advice, such as "Take more time for yourself" or "Make a great holiday together". Others recommend sleeping separately, but some think separate beds are the beginning of the end. Still others claim that a more intense sex life could be a solution, but research shows that having sex does not necessarily make couples happy. Experts like to point out that rituals in the partnership can help. These can signal to the partner how important he is to you. Those affected can also seek professional help. These can be found among others at the Catholic Counseling Center for Marriage, Family and Life Issues. There couples are advised, who are about to break up. In an interview with the media portal DerWesten, Claudia Richter, director of the Catholic Counseling Center in Meschede, has valuable information on the topic.

Couples whose relationships are troubled often hear well-intentioned advice. It may make more sense to visit professional advice centers. There strengths of the partnership can be worked out. (Image: WavebreakmediaMicro /

Often communication difficulties are the problem
The expert knows with which problems relations are burdened. "Many couples come with communication difficulties. Some talk to each other or barely talk to each other, "Richter told" DerWesten ". And further: "Quite often are also loads that have couples today and partly burden themselves. Moreover, the diverse demands of working life are not always compatible with a happy partnership. "

Strengthen the strengths of the partnership
When asked how counseling centers are trying to save marriages, Ms Richter said, "By looking at where the causes and problems lie. In the next step, we try to work out what the strengths of the partnership are, and we encourage new ways for the couple to go. "In their opinion, marriage has not become meaningless:" Research shows that the desire for a lifelong partnership is still there "However, the desire to have a long partnership is not identical to reality," because doing so in practice has probably become more difficult because marriages go on for a much longer time today as people get older. ".

Couples need to change
The expert explained in the interview that the expectations for personal happiness today are more pronounced than in the past. But that does not fit into reality. "Reality means mastering difficult times in relationships. The willingness to do so is not so great today and there is a chance to go separate ways, "said Richter. Nevertheless, counseling can help "when couples are ready to make a difference". According to the counselor, everyone has to change something about themselves and not about the partner. "But some come too late for advice - some have already packed the proverbial suitcases." (Ad)