Love Life What women pay attention to when looking for a partner

Love Life What women pay attention to when looking for a partner / Health News

What are the selection criteria for women's dating??

There are many people who are still looking for the partner for life. But what does the choice of women and men depend on? Researchers have now found that for younger women, the education level of the future man is a very important selection criterion in finding a partner.

Queensland University of Technology researchers (QUT) have found in their recent research that younger women attach great importance to the level of education in their search for a partner. The experts published the results of their study in the English language journal "Psychological Science".

What do women look for most when they are looking for a long-term partner? (Image: Jacob Lund - fotolia)

Women are looking for partners with a high level of education

Younger women are more interested in the educational level of their potential partner than their male counterparts, Australian researchers explain. For their investigation, the physicians analyzed the data of a dating site of more than 41,000 Australians. It has been found that women are much more likely to say that their potential partner has an educational level equal to or higher than themselves. In men, such statements are observed in comparable frequency only from the age of 40, explain the scientists. Earlier online dating studies have also shown that women often have a higher preference for the level of education of the partner.

Young women give priority to certain qualifications

According to the latest study, women in their online dating profile report about twice as often that educational attainment is an important selection criterion for their potential partner compared to men's online dating profile. Although women are more likely to favor a higher level of education within all age groups, women aged 18 to 40 are more likely to prioritize certain educational attainments.

From the age of 40, the education level becomes important for men

However, the results change from the age of 40, with men starting from this age developing more stringent criteria for the educational level of the future partner. The study also found that men and women less concerned with the education of their future partner after their 50th birthday.

Study shows change in preferences of women over time

Earlier online dating studies had already yielded similar results, but data from the current study consider for the first time an extremely broad age range (between 18 and 80 years). This has allowed us to show how preferences change over the entire reproductive cycle, explains study author Dr. Stephen Whyte of the Queensland University of Technology.

Specified selection criteria often did not match with partners

The largest behavioral analysis of Australian online dating habits so far examined the behavior of 41,936 members who registered there in 2016 within four months. As early as last year, the team revealed that there was little similarity between what users were looking for when selecting a partner as a selection criteria and the characteristics of the people they actually contacted while using the online dating site.

The researchers found that one-third of the first messages submitted on the site were sent to people who did not actually meet any of the criteria that users originally indicated on their profiles. Less than one percent of the news was sent to people who made an ideal match, the researchers explain. (As)