Prefer to do without sausage instead of moving

Prefer to do without sausage instead of moving / Health News

Prefer to do without sausage instead of moving


For years, the good intentions for the new year have been high on the agenda of wanting to do more sport. But for the sake of health, Germans prefer to restrict their consumption of meat and sausage instead of moving more.

Resolutions for the New Year
For many years now, the good intentions for the New Year have been high on the agenda of wanting to do more sport. A recent representative Forsa survey for DAK Health shows that 57 percent of respondents in 2014 said they wanted less stress. Similarly high is the number (52 percent) of those Germans who want to move more and do sports this year.

Rather restrict with meat and sausage
But as from a recent survey of „pharmacy magazine“ For health reasons, about half of the German citizens would rather choose to restrict their own consumption of meat and sausage instead of moving more. When faced with the choice between the two options, 54.3 percent of respondents said they would prefer to cut sausage and meat.

Women were at the meat renunciation front
At meat abstinence, women were well ahead of men (63.9%) (44.1%). The representative survey of the health magazine „pharmacy magazine“ was carried out by GfK Marktforschung Nürnberg. The survey surveyed 1,072 women and 1,022 men over the age of 14. (Ad)

Picture: Tim Reckmann