Reading weakness in children early recognizable

Reading weakness in children early recognizable / Health News

Study: Reading disability in children can be detected early on with the help of MRI


Children suffering from dyslexia have difficulty reading and cognitively transcribing words or entire texts. To make a final diagnosis, organic problems such as vision or hearing difficulties must be excluded. In the course of a study project, US researchers succeeded in using a test to diagnose a reading weakness in children before the beginning of school.

According to estimates, around 5 to 17 percent of all Germans suffer from the different forms and manifestations of reading difficulties. Often first problems in the context of a reading-spelling-weakness (dyslexia) become obvious in the school. Children have far greater difficulties in learning to read and write than their classmates. A problem of general intelligence is not apparent. For the children, longer sentences are a mystery and often suffer psychologically from the limited ability to read properly.

Early test should help children
By means of a new test, children who read and spell badly can be recognized early. The research team led by Nadine Gaab of the Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, reports that the reading disability is detectable in the brain before the beginning of school. According to the scientists, the recent study can help provide more help to students and parents. Although many parents know about the weaknesses of their children, they often do not find sufficient support in the schools. If a dyslexia is diagnosed before the start of enrollment, it could be counteracted at an early stage.

In the trade magazine „Proceedings“ The US Academy of Sciences explain the researchers that about 5 to 17 percent of children suffer from reading difficulties. You can read and spell sentences badly. Most children find it difficult to understand fast-spoken sentences and to write down what they have heard. Just those affected preschool children chose the team to do a study. 36 children between the ages of five and six took part in the test. For comparison, children without abnormalities also participated. All subjects underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to test which areas of the brain responded more or less to different areas of activity. Although the examination was free from touching the device, the children had to lie still for some time on the MRT. Since infants at this age still find it hard to keep quiet, the scientists used some tricks and good persuasion. The investigation was made playful for the children.

Different degrees of activity in the brain
In the course of the study, children with dyslexia showed lower activity in several regions of the brain compared to children without reading difficulties. The researchers found the findings in the connections between the occipital lobes (the rearmost region of the cerebrum) and the temporal lobe (lateral part of the cerebrum). In addition, comparatively fewer brain activities were found in the areas between the temporal lobe and the apex flap.

Although the research team knew, „that older children and adults with dyslexia have problems in the same brain regions“, Indeed „The study shows that the ability of the brain to process speech sounds is already in deficit before children learn to read“ explained study director Nadine Gaab. When high brain activity was measured in children in the designated areas, they had „a better understanding of letters, sounds and rhythms.“ Scientists hope that identifying a potential reading weakness at pre-school age will be timely „reduce the bad social and psychological consequences that children often face in school“, said Gaab. „Many parents already know about the problems of their children in the kindergarten, but can not trigger adequate help in the following school years.“ But if it is provable, „that children have an existing problem, schools could be motivated to develop development programs.“

Study still ongoing
In order to secure the results, the children already examined should be examined again during the first years of schooling. After all, it has not yet been conclusively proven whether the forecasts actually arrive. Whether the children actually develop a reading disability, only becomes apparent in the following years. Only then may also be spoken of a successful student work. The study is funded by the US Department of Health. (Sb)

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Image: Benjamin Thorn