Tap water is as qualitative as mineral water

Tap water is as qualitative as mineral water / Health News
Tap water: hardly any difference to the mineral water
Finally the summer has moved in Germany. The high temperatures also cause great thirst. Health experts repeatedly point out how important it is to drink a lot. Many people rely on mineral water, but it is also cheaper: mineral water is just as good.

There are different regulations for mineral water
The hot weather causes great thirst in the population. The most popular thirst-quencher is probably water. In a recent message from the news agency dpa, interesting facts about consumers were summarized. Accordingly, a number of regulations apply to mineral water, both in the restaurant and on the supermarket shelf. "Natural mineral water" is a protected term. According to information center Deutsche Mineralwasser (IDM) it is the only food that receives official recognition.

Tap water mostly just as high quality as mineral water. (Image: v.poth / fotolia)

With or without carbon dioxide
Natural mineral water is always bottled directly at the source. Although it can hardly be treated, it is allowed to extract sulfur and iron from the water. Carbonic acid may also be added or withdrawn. For table or spring water this is different. The two have no official recognition. Bottled water is artificially produced. With the different products it can come partly to clear quality differences. Only recently, an investigation by the Stiftung Warentest revealed that three of the 20 mineral waters were contaminated. For example, sweeteners, degradation products of pesticides and a corrosion inhibitor have been detected.

Special baby water up to three times more expensive
Another rule concerns restaurants. If you order mineral water there, you must have it served at the table in the closed bottle. This prescribes the mineral and table water regulation. Accordingly, the waiter may open the bottle only at the table. This should ensure quality on the way to the consumer. As dpa further reports, a market check by the Verbraucherzentrale Niedersachsen with seven products showed that special baby water has hardly any advantages compared to other mineral water. Often these are offered in Tetra packs as a thirst quencher or for Breian stirring for infants. According to the test, products advertised as baby water are up to three times more expensive than conventional mineral water, which is also suitable for preparing baby food.

Tap water is unrivaled cheap
Sometimes "normal" mineral water bottles are also marked "suitable for the preparation of baby food". As the IDM explained, this means that the water is as neutral as possible and does not contain large amounts of minerals. If certain maximum levels of minerals are not exceeded, this label may appear on the label. Such waters are not better but only different. Various studies in recent years have shown that in many regions tap water usually meets similar high quality standards as mineral water. In addition, the water from the tap with an average of 0.02 cents per liter is unrivaled cheap. According to "rp-online", Philip Heldt from the consumer center NRW said: "It is much cheaper and it will be delivered to the door. That's an unbeatable argument ". It makes sense, however, to let the water run for some time. No matter which water you choose, it is important to eat a lot. If the person drinks too little, the fluid balance comes into imbalance. Already with slight fluid loss the physical and mental performance is impaired. In addition, it can according to health experts to complaints such as dry mouth, thick saliva, loss of appetite, constipation, fatigue and fatigue come. (Ad)