List of services for homeopathy billing

List of services for homeopathy billing / Health News

List of services for homeopathy billing: Detailed guidance for therapists and payers


The recently published list of services for classical homeopathy, LVKH 2011, meets all the criteria of a detailed overview that informs non-medical practitioners, payers and patients about homeopathy benefits and usual allowances. The author Carl Classen developed a carefully researched mirror of homeopathy taking into account common treatment procedures and principles, such as detailed medical history, case analysis using repertories and / or drug doctrines, homeopathic remedies, systematic course analysis and restraint in combination with other procedures.
Non-medical practitioners are fundamentally subject to free competition, which may not be restricted by any fees. Only directories may be issued which have an informative character without making or influencing fee calculation. So far, service providers and jurisdiction based on the fee schedule for Naturopaths (GebüH). However, this is no longer timely. In a ruling dated 12 Nov. 2009 (BVerwG 2 C 61.08), the Federal Administrative Court made it clear that no one can expect to receive a treatment based on a 1985 minimum rate of pay today. Apart from the lack of timeliness, the GebüH structurally offers no satisfactory orientation to homeopathy, as it favors the mix of methods rather. In addition, descriptions of services for homeopathic follow-up and acute treatments are missing.

The LVKH 2011 with its informative approach is based on field research, in particular on performance and fee surveys. These are shown for competitive reasons as fee margins. An additional clue is provided by research on the economic framework of freelance therapeutic activity. In addition to pertinent specifications for the homeopathic first history in chronic and acute illness, to follow-up, examination and counseling shows a pattern-description of a homeopathic treatment, which in the opinion of the professional circles in a particular case to a qualified approach. The methodical orientation within homeopathy remains open. The notes on practical application, which may be obtained separately from other directories, are devoted to a whole chapter. Also included is a template for a possible treatment contract.

After decades of stagnation, the author and the LVKH succeeded in providing an exemplary overview of the homeopathic work in practice and its usual remuneration, in the sense of the § 612 of the Civil Code (BGB). The presentation also opens up to the layman and offers the knowledgeable patient the transparency and verifiability required by consumer protection everywhere. The homeopathic naturopaths, the LVKH, regardless of a membership of the association, finally offers a comprehensive and suitable for billing software reference framework for billing own services. It remains to be seen whether, after the failed attempt of 1995, new movement will become possible again for the fee. Bibliographic Information: List of Classical Classical Homeopathy, LVKH 2011, author: Carl Classen. Hahnemann Institute - Private Institute for Homeopathic Documentation, Greifenberg 2011. ISBN 978-3-929271-33-1.