Passionate football fans threatened by serious heart attacks during the European Championship

Passionate football fans threatened by serious heart attacks during the European Championship / Health News
Stress at major sporting events can lead to health problems
In the near future, many people in Germany will certainly watch the European Football Championship. The mood in common TV evenings with friends or the so-called public viewing is usually hilarious and a nice evening is nothing in the way. However, such major sporting events could also have negative consequences for us. By following the European Championship stress can arise. This even increases the risk of developing a heart attack.

Scientists from prestigious King's College in London and St. Thomas' Hospital have now discovered in an investigation that major sporting events (Olympic Games, European Football Championship) increase our risk of heart attack. So the stress that comes with fueling your own team can be a serious threat to our health. The experts presented the results of their study at the British Cardiovascular Society Conference in Manchester.

For many Germans, there will be only one important topic for the next few weeks: the European Football Championship. Certainly these days are fun and social gathering for most people. The stress that occurs during this sporting event can also endanger your health. The risk of heart attacks and other heart problems increases due to stress. (Image: drubig-photo /

People with heart problems should avoid stress at the European Championship
Mental stress associated with major sports events can increase the risk of heart problems, the experts warn. The European Championship will start in a few days and the Olympic Games will be held this August. Thus, this summer could be life-threatening for some fans with already existing heart problems. So sufferers should be careful, and not put too much stress, to reduce the likelihood of a heart attack, advise the doctors.

Researchers are studying the effects of stress on people with coronary heart disease
The danger is of course not only for fans who watch the matches of the European Championship live on site. Even people who watch this sporting event through the TV pose an increased risk, the researchers say. For the small study, fifteen volunteers were studied by researchers at Kings College, London, and the medical staff at St. Thomas Hospital. These participants all suffered from significant coronary heart disease (CHD), explain the physicians. In addition, the researchers studied another eleven subjects without any heart problems.

Subjects had to complete various stress tests
Subjects undergo various tests that have triggered mental stress, say the doctors. The experts measured the blood pressure and the speed of blood flow through the arteries. The researchers then found that the tests resulted in an increase in heart rate and blood pressure. These effects reflect the increase in the oxygen demand of our heart muscle, explain the experts.

Impact of stress: Blood flows worse through the small blood vessels in the heart
The physicians were able to observe in their investigations that there was an increased obstruction of the blood flow through the small blood vessels in the heart. It can be clearly seen that psychological stress of this kind can definitely pose a health risk, explains Professor Jeremy Pearson of the British Heart Foundation, which financed the study. However, a larger scaling of the studies is needed to confirm the existing results. But during the Euro 2016, it is likely that many people experience some mental stress and even more frustration, the expert adds.

Beta-blockers can reduce the stress response of the body
The results of the study clearly show that people with coronary heart disease should do everything possible to minimize the stress of the European Championship, scientists suggest. Currently, there are no special treatments that combat these effects, says the lead author. Satpal Arri. Current angina treatments such as beta-blockers, however, could reduce the stress response of the body and at least provide some protection.

People with coronary heart disease should try to minimize the risk
Other observational studies with large populations have already found that frightening natural events (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions) create mental stress associated with an increased incidence of heart attacks and other heart diseases, the experts explain. In the short term, our findings suggest that psychological stress at the European Championships could increase the risk for some people with coronary heart disease, the researchers concluded. Patients should seek help and treatment to minimize the risk accordingly, according to Satpal Arri and colleagues. (As)