Check liver enzymes for hepatitis more often

Check liver enzymes for hepatitis more often / Health News

Hepatitis B or C often go undetected for years


On the advice of the Federal Association of German Internists (BDI) regular checks on liver enzymes should take place in order to detect hepatitis infections at an early stage. The background: In many cases, infectious diseases of the liver such as hepatitis B or C remain symptom-free over many years and are therefore often discovered too late. This danger should not be underestimated, because according to the BDI, around one million people worldwide die every year from the consequences of liver disease.

Early diagnosis increases chance of complete healing
As the Federal Association of German Internists (BDI) recommends, everyone should check their liver enzymes from time to time to detect infections such as hepatitis B or C early. According to the association, this is particularly important, as there is often no clear symptomatology of people infected with hepatitis and the disease often remains unrecognized for years. This causes inflammation of the liver in 80 percent of those affected chronic, which can lead to serious sequelae or even death: „The sooner a liver disease is diagnosed, the higher the chances of a complete cure. Left untreated, many liver diseases can cause liver cirrhosis (liver scarring) and liver cell cancer. Anyone who has met his liver mindfully and knows its liver enzymes can prevent this danger“, so the information of the German Liver Foundation.

No vaccine protection against hepatitis C yet
Since hepatitis B and C are mainly transmitted via infected blood and other body fluids, the Federation of German Internists also advises to be vaccinated against hepatitis B. For hepatitis C, however, there is still no vaccine protection, but the therapeutic options have improved significantly in recent years, said the liver specialist Prof. Thomas Berg compared to the „dpa“.

By regular detoxification „Liver Burnout“ prevent
However, much can be done in advance, because even small changes in lifestyle can help to maintain the health of the liver and prevent damage to the organ. Accordingly, Prof. Dr. Peter R. Galle and Priv.-Doz. Dr. Jörn M. Schattenberg from the University Medical Center Mainz „Healthy balanced diet, overweight and exercise, only small amounts of alcohol, vaccines against viral hepatitis A and B and screening in high-risk groups (congenital liver disease, family burden).“ In addition, a regular detoxification of the liver can ensure that „Liver Burnout“ submissions. (No)

Picture: Hartmut910