Liver damage due to medication

Liver damage due to medication / Health News

If drugs are taken incorrectly, severe liver damage can result


Because many medicines are freely available in pharmacies, many people assume that they are rather harmless in their effects. But: „Liver damage as a side effect of medication is a commonly underestimated problem“, warns doctor Dr. med. Peter R. Galle, Director of the I. Medical Clinic and Polyclinic at the Mainz University Medical Center and member of the DGVS board. Although there are no exact patient numbers for Germany, the results of a study in Iceland suggest that the problem is greater in this country than many claim.

19 of 100,000 inhabitants suffer liver damage
Researchers at the University of Iceland in Reykjavik spent two years studying data from all patients with liver damage from drugs. It was found that about 19 out of every 100,000 people in the country suffered a serious health-related liver-related drug-related illness each year. Another study on the same topic came a few years ago in France at a rate of 14 to 100,000 patient cases. A study in Sweden found a quota of two to 100,000.

Painkillers and antibiotics are responsible
Especially common are liver damage and paracetamol, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and antibiotics. Antibiotic combinations of amoxycillin and clavulanic acid were responsible for sustained damage in 22% of cases. „The problem is that the symptoms are often nonspecific and the diagnosis is difficult“, explains DGVS expert Galle. Affected suffer from loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, fever, abdominal pain, joint and muscle pain. It can also cause itching, skin color change, pale stools and / or staining of the stool. Especially the latter symptoms indicate liver damage. „It is important to consider possible liver damage in these symptoms as well and to control liver function when in doubt“, so the doctor. „Rarely, but especially dangerous, is an acute liver failure: for many of the patients this is fatal - despite treatment.“

So that it does not get that far, in the opinion of the association, the dosages and intake recommendations of the pharmaceutical manufacturers should be strictly observed. „Liver damage is often due to overdose or overshoot of the prescribed duration of therapy“, explains bile. If signs of liver damage are detected, the medicine should be discontinued if possible and in consultation with the attending physician.

Beware of natural remedies
Not only medicines of conventional medicine can be toxic. Even in the case of natural remedies, considerable damage to the liver could already be observed because the remedies were taken incorrectly. The effects are according to the expert „unfortunately often unpredictable“. Some people would be more sensitive to non-prescription funds than others. (Sb)

Image: Grace Winter