Liver friendly Christmas - Consciously enjoying on the holidays

Liver friendly Christmas - Consciously enjoying on the holidays / Health News

Conscious Enjoyment: How To Get Healthy Through the Christmas Season

Sweets, mulled wine, punch, roast festive: In Advent and Christmas is often feasted extensively. The treats usually not only ensure that one increases over the holidays, but also burden the liver. Health experts therefore give some tips for conscious enjoyment at Christmas.

More and more fatty liver diseases

Health experts say that more than a third of Germans suffer from fatty liver. Alcohol-induced fatty liver is the result of excessive alcohol consumption. Non-alcoholic fatty liver (NAFLD), on the other hand, is most common in people who move too little, are very overweight, or eat poorly. According to the German Liver Foundation, the number of patients with a NAFLD has risen dramatically: one in four Germans over the age of 40 has already been affected, and even with many children, the vital organ is becoming more and more abnormally affected. Especially during the Christmas season, the liver is often very stressed. The German Liver Foundation is therefore tips for "liver happy" Christmas.

With the indication of the increase of non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases, the German Liver Foundation advises the conscious enjoyment during the Advent and Christmas season, during which the liver also remains "happy". (Image: Kzenon /

Advent calendars often contain enormous amounts of calories

Although you do not necessarily have to increase during the Christmas season, it takes a lot of discipline.

The Christmas treats are not only sold months before the festival, but are also getting bigger and bigger.

Thus, the German Liver Foundation in a message to the example Advent calendar out.

The classic chocolate advent calendar with 80 grams content is therefore a discontinued model. The trend in Advent calendars is: bigger, fuller, more expensive.

More and more frequent behind the 24 doors calorie-strong chocolate bars, hollow figures or can-chips.

Not only for children there is a nutritious surprise every day: calendars for adults are stocked with beer, schnapps or even sausages. And the "calorie calendars" are just the daily prelude to the Christmas Schlemmer finale.

Conscious enjoyment in the Advent and Christmas season

With the reference to the increase of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in adults and children, the German Liver Foundation advises the conscious enjoyment in the Advent and Christmas season, in which the liver also "happy" remains.

"The alarming numbers of non-alcoholic fatty liver hepatitis disease indicate that there is a clear need for education," said Professor Dr. Michael P. Manns, CEO of the German Liver Foundation.

"Especially in the weeks before Christmas and on holidays, many adults and children combine an abundant, unhealthy food supply with little physical activity," says the expert.

"This combination can lead to the so-called metabolic syndrome, a combination of various risky aspects such as obesity, hypertension and diabetes, which also have a very negative effect on the liver over a longer period."

Lack of exercise and poor diet

"Of course, occasional consumption of a domino or gingerbread is not the cause of a disease," Manns said.

"It's the western, exercise-poor lifestyle with the wrong diet that many people use to adjust their daily lives year-round. Increased fat deposits in the liver cells can cause fatty liver, which can become inflamed, "explained the CEO.

"Chronic liver inflammation can lead to liver fibrosis, which can lead to cirrhosis and liver cell cancer."

However, many people do not notice for a long time about their diseased liver. Because the organ suffers mute and only when the liver is greatly enlarged, it comes to symptoms such as pressure in the upper abdomen, fatigue and loss of appetite.

In order for a damaged liver to be detected at an early stage of the disease and cured through a lifestyle change, testing liver blood counts is important. This usually does not belong to the routine examinations.

Especially overweight people and patients with diabetes mellitus should discuss a possible liver disease at the doctor's visit and clarify.

Long walks with the family

The German Liver Foundation points out to consumers to pay attention to the "ingredients lists" and "nutritional information" regarding the sugar, salt and fat content.

For Advent and Christmas, Professor Manns advises: "For greasy foods such as roast goose, it is essential to measure, to enjoy small portions slowly and consciously."

And further: "As appetizers light soups and fresh salads are recommended. And be sure to move between meals - preferably in the fresh air, "says the expert.

"Especially the time spent with family or friends at Christmas can be wonderful for joint activities such as a long walk."

Christmas can also become "liver-happy" elsewhere: this is how the colorful plate can be filled with mandarins, walnuts and almonds instead of chocolate and marzipan. And offer clams or gingerbread in small pieces.

However, this recommendation also applies to the time after Christmas, as Professor Manns emphasizes: "Throughout the year, a moderate diet in combination with exercise is important to keep the liver and the whole body healthy." (Ad)