Food labeling introduction failed?

Food labeling introduction failed? / Health News

Food labeling: mandatory introduction failed? Next Tuesday, an EU committee will decide on a mandatory introduction of nutritional information on food packaging. The because of the color scheme, too „Ampelkennzeichung“ However, this measure has not yet been supported by any other country in the EU.

Next Tuesday, an EU committee will decide on a mandatory introduction of nutritional information on food packaging. The because of the color scheme, too „Ampelkennzeichung“ However, this measure has not yet been supported by any other country in the EU.

With the new regulation, the sugar and fat content of food should already be recognizable from the outside to the consumer on the basis of the colors green, yellow and red. Red would be high and green low. But as no support has been provided within the EU decision-makers and in the individual EU countries, the German consumer minister Ilse Aigner (CSU) sees rather black. In the European Parliament, the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety will vote on the idea.

Despite the negative prospects for the traffic light labeling is still expected that the currently largely voluntary information of manufacturers will be expanded in the future by a wider range in the interests of consumers. Then values ​​will be found on the packaging for, among other things, carbohydrates and the fat content in absolute grams.

From the point of view of naturopathy as well, an individual and well-disaggregated nutritional value, in contrast to a generalized purely color-bound sense, results. It is more transparent and easier for consumers to use. (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy, 13.03.2010)