Life-threatening cold sore infection can be fatal in infants

Life-threatening cold sore infection can be fatal in infants / Health News
Cold sores can be dangerous: Wear masks for baby care
According to health experts, two out of three people are infected with herpes viruses. If affected persons have contact with babies, this can also be dangerous for the little ones, sometimes even life-threatening. For baby care, always wear a surgical mask.

Many do not know about their infection
According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) more than 85 percent of Germans are infected with herpes viruses, the majority does not even notice. The viruses are often active only by certain influences such as stress or strong sunlight and lead to herpes in the mouth. For some people special care is needed. Adult cold sores should be very careful when in contact with small children. Because even a kiss from them could be deadly for babies, as a case from the UK showed. Infected people should always wear a surgical mask when looking after their baby.

Parents who suffer from cold sores should always wear a surgical mask when looking after their baby. The virus can cause life-threatening situations in newborns. (Image: blackday /

Take special care with babies
If parents suffer from cold sores, they should be particularly careful when dealing with their newborn or baby, but also with immunocompromised children, writes the Association of Paediatricians (BVKJ) on its website " The avoidance of kisses and a mouthguard protect the infant or children at risk from infection. Those affected should also pay special attention to hygiene and often wash and disinfect their hands carefully.

The virus can trigger a life-threatening situation
"In newborns, the virus can quickly trigger a life-threatening situation by attacking the central nervous system, the liver, the lungs, the skin and the eyes. After infection, permanent brain damage can also be left behind, "Dr. Monika Niehaus, pediatrician and member of the expert panel of the BVKJ.

If a brain inflammation (herpes encephalitis) develops, then the signs of disease may initially resemble a flu. The infant therefore gets a pale complexion, is impassive or restless, is shaky or cramped. It can also cause a fever. In such cases, according to the experts, rapid treatment with antiviral drugs and intensive medical care is required.

In case of affected nipples renounce breastfeeding
If the nipples are affected, a mother must necessarily abstain from breastfeeding. "The blisters should not touch patients. This also means that they are not allowed to scrape off the crust. For example, if the fluid of the bladder is in the eyes, it can lead to persistent corneal opacity and diminished eyesight, "Dr. Niehaus.

If a newborn develops a rash, fever or irritation of the eyelids or in the eyes in the first month of life, parents should contact their pediatrician immediately.

Treat herpes as early as possible
In adults, health experts advise to treat cold sores as early as possible. In normal course, drugs are often used to inhibit the virus multiplication. The infection does not always have to be treated with antiviral drugs. Sometimes, home remedies for herpes, such as manuka honey or tea tree oil. From the herpes outbreak to the healing can take up to two weeks. (Ad)