Do vegetarians live longer?

Do vegetarians live longer? / Health News

Vegetarians live longer than people who eat meat?

(5.09.2010) The German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg has investigated the question of whether vegetarians live longer compared to "meat eaters". In the long-term study, over 21 years, a total of 1904 people were observed and examined who do not eat meat. However, all types of vegetarians were included in the examined subjects. Some of the study participants were vegan. This means that they did not feed on meat or animal products such as cheese or milk. Others did not eat meat, but cheese. And others, too, consumed fish or very little meat. Thus, no clearly differentiated study could take place.

The result suspected vegetarians for a long time. The death rate for the average population in women fell by 30 percent. In the case of men, the result was even more extreme; here, the death rate decreased by an average of 50 percent. Thus, it is proven that people who eat vegetarian or mostly vegetarian, also live longer.

But can these statements also be made clearly? Because other sociological studies also prove that vegetarians often maintain a healthy lifestyle. Vegetarians usually do more sports than others, drink less alcohol and almost automatically eat more vegetables and fruits. Taken together, this also aids in lowering the overall mortality rate. The question remains, which results are obtained in other studies, if further differentiations come to it. For example, when the groups of participants are divided once again into different lifestyle and consumer groups. Then, under certain circumstances, clear results could be achieved. But how do you say so beautiful, the result is crucial and that means, "vegetarians live much longer" or live mostly healthy. (Sb)

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Image: Gabi Schoenemann