Damaged knee radon and heat instead of surgery?

Damaged knee radon and heat instead of surgery? / Health News

Knee joint arthrosis most common form of wear disorder


In his life, an average of 80,000 kilometers are covered - with every step a force of about 300 kilograms is applied to the knee joints and even more than 1.5 tons when jumping. Each person moves his knee on average twice a minute, making about 65 million times throughout his life. No wonder, then, that the knees are the most heavily loaded joints in humans and most frequently affected by the onset of arthrosis. Today, despite enormous advances in medical technology, there is no artificial joint replacement that can bring water to the marvel of Knie in terms of functionality and agility. All the more important for those affected: maintain their own knee joints as long as possible. On the way to avoid total surgery, the radon heat therapy in the thermal tunnel is an important form of therapy, because it slows inflammatory processes and relieves pain over many months.

Arthrosis is understood by physicians to be degenerative joint diseases that are at times associated with local signs of inflammation. If the disease affects the knee as the largest human joint, patients suffer predominantly from exercise-related and movement-related pain. „They result, in particular, from excessively demanded, incorrectly loaded muscle, tendon and ligament attachments or from swellings, effusions and capsule tensions“, explains PD Bertram Hölzl, medical director of the Gasteiner Heilstollen. „Both on the pain of the muscle, tendon and ligament approaches as well as and in particular on the inflammatory processes in the joint, the so-called Radonwärmetherapie has a positive effect, which is also scientifically proven.“ The success of radon heat therapy in osteoarthritis is based on a combination of mild overheating, high humidity and absorption of radon through the skin and lungs. Warmth and humidity alone relax tense muscles, stimulate blood circulation and relieve pain. This effect is reinforced by the absorption of radon via the skin and respiratory tract. In the body, it releases important anti-inflammatory messengers that inhibit progressive inflammatory processes. „On average, osteoarthritis patients benefit from these analgesic effects for nine months“, emphasizes PD Hölzl.

At least as important: Thanks to the pain relief, sufferers move better again. Those who use the pain-free phases for physical and physical therapy also support their knees. Strong muscles support damaged knee joints like a corset and protect them from stress. Often in this way imminent total endoprosthetic restorations can be delayed for a long time. Because each step with your own knees is a step in the direction of orbiting the earth. 80,000 kilometers, which every human being goes through in life, correspond to two whole hikes around the earth. (Pm)

Read also about knees:
Physiotherapy instead of surgery for osteoarthritis
Knee pain: relationships and treatment

Source: Gasteiner Heilstollen