Lavender oil relieves anxiety and restlessness

Lavender oil relieves anxiety and restlessness / Health News

Lavender oil preparation eases anxiety and restlessness without the risk of addiction


„When searching for the right herbal medicine, consumers should not look for the medicinal plant alone
it was made“, emphasizes Prof. Dr. med. Theo Dingermann, Frankfurt. „Because the individual products are sometimes dramatically different.“ The lavender oil is a good example of this.

The soothing effect of lavender has been appreciated by the ancient Romans, and even today lavender scent is an important component of many cosmetic products. However, only a few years ago, phytorhectics succeeded in securing an active ingredient with silexane from lavender oil, which is suitable for the production of a modern phytopharmacon. The drug is approved in Germany for the treatment of restlessness in anxiety in adults over 18 years.

As pharmacological studies have shown, it has its effect - similar to the approved for the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder synthetic drug pregabalin - on the inhibition of presynaptic calcium channels.

The efficacy of herbal medicine has been scientifically documented in several clinical studies. Compared to placebo, silexan was evaluated in a study of 216 patients referred to the so-called „subsyndormal anxiety“ suffered, tested. After ten weeks of therapy, both the initial depressive mood and the impairment of the quality of sleep in the verum group improved significantly more than in the placebo group (Kasper, J. et al .: Int .: Clin Psychopharmacol. 277-87).

The efficacy of silexan compared to the benzodiazepine lorazepam was investigated in a study of 77 patients with generalized anxiety disorder. Taking the lavender oil preparation after six weeks of therapy has produced comparable positive effects as the benzodiazepine. (Woelk, H., Schläfke, S .: Phytomedicine 2010; 17: 94-9).

In contrast to the benzodiazepines, which can produce a dependency already after one to two weeks, the herbal medicine is free of such a danger. This is an important argument, especially for minor complaints that can severely affect the quality of life of the person affected. (KFN 3/2013 - 14.05.2013)

Picture: Marianne J.