Load on the shoulders cervical syndrome

Load on the shoulders cervical syndrome / Health News

Like a burden on the shoulders: cervical syndrome


When neck pain, a stiff neck, or restricted head movement due to misplacement or a cool breeze, they are usually just a temporary problem and worry inappropriate. The situation is quite different for recurrent or permanent tension in the cervical spine area. Since these lead in the long term to incorrect loading and thus in the worst case to premature wear of the intervertebral discs or neurological sequelae, affected persons should go to the causes of this so-called cervical syndrome and get orthopedic treatment.

„Common causes of neck and shoulder pain are disorders of the articulated vertebral joints due to one-sided stress or mental stress,“ reports Thomas Kramm from orthonet-NRW - a consortium of established orthopedists in North Rhine-Westphalia. Monotonous postures and a lack of balancing movement lead to muscle tension, which often does not cease by itself. „But sometimes mental problems like the proverbial burden on the shoulders are also a problem, causing muscular blockages,“ explains Dr. Kramm.

The therapy of the cervical syndrome aims primarily to relax the tense muscles and thus eliminate pain. Depending on their severity and type, orthopedic surgeons either rely on physical applications that have an anticonvulsant effect or use manual therapy. As a long-term measure is a targeted, active spinal training to strengthen affected muscle groups. In addition, techniques can be learned that help those affected improve the mobility of the head and integrate specific activities into their everyday lives through targeted exercises. If the symptoms are related to internal conflicts, relaxation techniques or psychological counseling can help.