Long sitting on travel Why support stockings protect our veins

Long sitting on travel Why support stockings protect our veins / Health News
Prevention of signs of venous disorders is important - at any age
The suitcase is packed, finally it starts. Carefree to the airport or in the car - the anticipation increases. But the stifles quickly, when long travel times and little movement while sitting make your legs heavy and tired. "The veins are very stressed by long standing or sitting. The blood can accumulate and lead to swelling, rising pain or cramps in the legs, "says dr. med. Michael Offermann, surgeon and phlebologist of the interdisciplinary vascular center vascular diseases Rhine-Ruhr with headquarters in Essen, Mühlheim and Bochum.

The expert advises especially young people to actively prevent venous insufficiency: "Even in healthy veins, the return of the blood can be disturbed by long-term immobile legs. Special support stockings can help maintain blood circulation in the leg through mechanical pressure on the veins and prevent the blood from sagging, "Dr. Offermann. What is venous insufficiency and how can you walk on light legs by actively preventing it??

Frequently, venous problems such as Varicose veins are the cause of swollen calves. (Image: Solarisys / fotolia.com)

When the legs complain
The veins below the heart must work steadily against gravity to allow the blood to flow back to the heart. Small venous valves help prevent the blood from sinking into the feet. The calf muscles also support the blood flow, because through tension the muscles compress the veins easily and open again when you relax. "If you have to sit long on long trips, this natural 'vein pump' will not be used. The blood transport is disturbed, the blood sinks into the legs. The resulting pressure widens the vein walls and makes the legs feel heavy and tired ", explains Dr. med. Offermann. In the case of long-term impaired blood transport, it may be too
Spider veins, varicose veins and painful swelling in the ankles and legs come.

Being passive and proactively preventing - is it?
That's fine. Special travel support stockings (for example from provital, from the pharmacy) improve the blood circulation by an upward decreasing pressure curve. As a result, they cause a reduction of the vein diameter. The venous valves close better and the blood flows faster. Support stockings passively take over the active venous pump, so to speak. "Of course, the combination of passive support and active muscle work and leg movement is the optimum," Dr. Offermann. "Try to use every opportunity to move or lift your legs while you travel. If you are traveling by car, you should take breaks in between and go for a walk. If it is not possible for them to get up in the meantime, as often happens on the plane, try to keep their feet moving, "said the phlebologist.

Prevention by travel support stockings - you should pay attention
The comfort is important. A high percentage of cotton (over 60%) is evidence of high quality of the support stockings and ensures a comfortable fit. Similarly, the stockings should not constrict the skin. A wide cuff and flat, soft seams are comfortable. An upward-decreasing, strong support force of 14 to 16 mmHg (unit of measurement mm of mercury, physical indication of pressure) ensures the special effect. Youthful plus: A difference to normal stockings is absolutely not recognizable in modern support stockings in form and color. (Pm)