Agriculture and nutrition as a subject?

Agriculture and nutrition as a subject? / Health News

Peasant president calls for a subject in agriculture and nutrition


The knowledge of agriculture and nutrition should be taught in the opinion of the President of the Bavarian Farmers Association in the school. Peasant President Walter Heidl supported the news agency „dpa“ the request of the Bavarian rural women, after a separate school subject to agriculture and nutrition.

With the introduction of a subject „Everyday and life economy“ can be counteracted by the dwindling knowledge in the population about food, their origin and their preparation, the farmer president justified the demand for a separate subject. „We experience how many women, but also men are simply overwhelmed, to shop specifically“, explained Heidl. The result is that ready meals, which only have to be prepared in the microwave, enjoy a growing popularity. More and more people would grab the finished products in the supermarket, while less and less visit the vegetable department. Be there „freshly prepared food cheaper and healthier.“ Here simply misses the knowledge of the food and its preparation.

Therefore, the demand of the provincial head of the rural women in the Bavarian Farmers Association according to a separate subject „Everyday and life economy“ from the primary level to the tenth grade quite supportive. Finally are „the children the future adults and consumers“, emphasized Heidl.

While in the past the knowledge of at least domestic agricultural products and their possible preparations was familiar to most Germans, in the past decades this knowledge was increasingly lost in the population. Although recipes for the preparation of vegetables in many versions can be read online or in cookbooks, but the purchase often wins in the end, the convenience. Not least because many lack the knowledge about the offered vegetables. Some suppliers - especially in the organic segment - are closing this gap by offering their customers a range of different vegetables and thus taking their pick from them. Corresponding recipes can then be looked up by consumers at home. (Fp)

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Picture credits: birgitta hohenester