Llamas could be the key to comprehensive flu protection

Llamas could be the key to comprehensive flu protection / Health News

Can protect a nasal spray from Lama proteins from the flu?

Llamas could hide the solution for long-lasting flu protection. Researchers discover an unusual antibody in the immune system of llamas and camels, which effectively protects against all known influenza strains that can be dangerous to humans. From these antibodies, they developed a nasal spray that is intended to provide universal protection against influenza.

A research group of the Belgian Janssen Infectious Diseases has succeeded in producing a nasal spray of llamaproteins, which should offer universal protection against all influenza viruses. First experiments on the animal model showed good results. The new superprotein successfully protected mice from any known influenza strain. The study results have recently been published in the journal "Science".

Who would have thought that the cuddly lamas of all people are the key to universal protection against influenza viruses? (Image: irakite / fotolia.com)

Why llamas can protect us from the flu

As the researchers report, the antibodies in the llamas are unusually small. They lack a specific peptide chain, which provides a bulky shape in other antibodies. The slim form of the antibodies ensures that they can penetrate deeper into the viruses and kill them more effectively. On this basis, the science team succeeded in developing so-called nano-antibodies, which penetrate deep into the gaps of the viruses and can thus attack places that their larger colleagues never reach.

Not tested on humans

So far, the spray has not been tested on humans. The research group itself is struggling with the statement that it has created a universal vaccine because influenza viruses are constantly changing. Nevertheless, the results are promising and attract international attention.

Present flu protection inadequate

Influenza caused massive deaths and causes every year for veritable waves of disease. Although the current flu vaccine is the best we have against influenza, vaccination in older people provides only 50% protection against the virus. Nonetheless, older people in particular should be vaccinated against the flu. A universal anti-flu nasal spray would be a blessing to elderly and debilitated people.

About the research

To generate the nano-antibodies against influenza, the researchers injected the llamas with a vaccine containing three different influenza viruses and a viral surface protein from two other virus strains. The llamas' immune system then generated the newly discovered antibodies. The team was ultimately able to create a protein that unites all four Lama antibodies. This four-in-one superprotein was able to fend off 60 different influenza viruses from the type A and type B groups in laboratory tests.

Mice with flu

In a first animal experiment, mice received the synthetic antibody. Subsequently, they were infected with various influenza strains. In the group receiving the new vaccine, according to the researchers, the survival rate was significantly higher than in the control group without the antibodies.

There has never been a greater breadth of effectiveness

Professor Ian Wilson works at the Scripps Research Institute in California. The experienced scientist has already published more than 50 articles on influenza antibodies. He explained to the Science Journal that he has never seen a greater breadth and effectiveness with a flu antibody.

If the antibody is identified as foreign by humans?

Immunologist James Crowe is a specialist in influenza antibodies and vaccine developers at Vanderbilt University in Nashville. He warns that the human immune system could interpret the Lama antibodies as intruders and even form antibodies against them. The new super protein has yet to be extensively tested before the lama antibodies are released on humans. (Vb)