Shoplifter jumped headlong out of the window

Shoplifter jumped headlong out of the window / Health News

Shoplifter jumped out of the window against bars


A shoplifter in Espelkamp suffered a serious head injury while attempting to escape. When he jumped out of the store window, the man bounced against bars at the weekend, which he apparently had overlooked earlier.

A shoplifting took a tragic shoplifting in Espelkamp, ​​Lower Saxony. With a momentous action, a shoplifter inflicted a serious health damage. As the police de district Minden-Lübbeke announced, the man was put through shop detectives in an attempt to steal goods in a shop in Espelkamp. Subsequently, the alleged perpetrator was escorted to the business premises, where they waited for the approaching police and recorded the personal data. As the store detective reported, the 28-year-old man suddenly jumped up and started to jump through a window in the office. However, the offender overlooked the fact that the window was barred from the outside. "He got up suddenly, ran to an open window and wanted to jump headlong," reports a police spokeswoman.

According to the police, he injured himself heavily in the jump against the bars on the head and immediately fell unconscious to the ground. „A clearly bleeding laceration could be seen.“

The detective then notified an ambulance. After the emergency doctor arrived, the shoplifter was taken to a nearby hospital where he was hospitalized. „There the man continues to be treated“, As the police reported in their Sunday report. (Sb)

Image: Daniel Race