Laboratory samples after chemical accident in Oestrich-Winkel

Laboratory samples after chemical accident in Oestrich-Winkel / Health News

Hessisches Landeslabor examines food samples after a chemical accident in Oestrich-Winkel


The chemical accident in a foam factory in Oestrich-Winkel in mid-August had caused alarm and concern among the citizens of the small community in the Rheingau (Hesse). They feared long-term exposure to released pollutants. New laboratory tests have now shown that no residues of toxic toluene diisocyanate (TDI) are detected in locally grown foods.

Twelve food samples from the private gardens in the immediate vicinity of the accident site of the chemical accident has been examined by the Hessian State Laboratory for TDI and its degradation products. All laboratory samples were negative, according to the official release. The citizens of Oestrich-Winkel can therefore breathe easy. A longer-term burden of the released toxins is apparently not expected.

Twelve food samples examined after the chemical accident
Within a few days after the chemical accident in Oestrich-Winkel was „In the Hessian state laboratory an analysis method for the determination of the toluylene diisocyanate (TDI) released from a tank of the manufacturer is established“, so the message of the state laboratory. „So far, we have examined a total of twelve food samples for TDI and its degradation products using our sensitive examination method, all with negative results“, emphasized the director of the Hessian state laboratory, Professor Hubertus Brunn, in Gießen. Each „a sample of cucumbers, nectarines, tomatoes, walnuts, lemons and pears as well as six samples of Riesling grapes“ were checked by the state laboratory. Fruit, vegetables and nuts came from private gardens in the immediate vicinity of the accident site. The grapes were taken by wine inspectors of the state laboratory from various vineyard parcels in Oestrich-Winkel, which were at the time of the chemical accident in the main wind direction.

Relief in view of the results of the Hessian State Laboratory
„If the fabrics had arrived here, we would have found them too“, explained the director of the Hessian State Laboratory. The negative test results are therefore evidence that no entry of the toxins has taken place. „In order to exclude even the last possible risk for consumers“, become „In addition to the already examined samples, some soil samples are expected to be analyzed shortly“, explained Brunn. In view of the previous laboratory results „however, these studies are of a more theoretical nature.“ The mayor of the community Oestrich-Winkel in the Rheingau, Paul Wiemann (CDU), was quite relieved by the current communication from the state laboratory.

Released with hydrocyanic highly toxic chemical
At the chemical accident in Oestrich-Winkel, the poisonous chemical TDI first leaked out of a safety valve during a charging process on Monday, August 13th. Apparently, water had entered the system during the production process and led to an uncontrolled thermal reaction. The resulting gas was then released through the safety valve. It formed a gas cloud, which was bound by the fire department in a multi-hour use with water. In the next few hours, however, the substance in the affected tank apparently continued to react, resulting in a deflagration early Tuesday morning that blew the chemical tank lid off. Released was the highly toxic hydrogen cyanide-related chemical isocyanate. A substance according to Greenpeace „Cough, shortness of breath, runny nose and eye irritation“ caused. In high concentrations, it could even be deadly. Twenty-six persons were treated in the hospital as a precautionary measure due to possible contact with the toxin, but were released relatively soon. (Fp)

Picture: Matthias Preisinger