Cuddle hormone oxytocin in muscle wasting

Cuddle hormone oxytocin in muscle wasting / Health News

Oxytocin could counteract age-related muscle breakdown


Already from the age of 30 years, the decay of the muscles usually starts slowly, in some cases even earlier in physically less active people. So far, there is no effective way to counteract this process. However, researchers at the University of California have now discovered that it may be one „helper“ in the fight against aging there: the so-called „cuddle hormone“ oxytocin.

Muscle loss already starts at 30
30 is generally not considered to be „old“, Nevertheless, muscle loss and the associated loss of strength begins slowly at this age. From about 50 years, this process accelerates by the muscle mass from now on shrinking by about 1-2 percent per year, as a result, strength and flexibility decrease more and more. For this increasing muscle mass with advancing age and the associated functional limitations, there is no effective so far „antidote“. But now American researchers have apparently discovered a possibility. As the scientists around Christian Elabd of the University of California write in the journal "Nature Communications", the so-called „cuddle hormone“ Oxytocin may be able to counteract the breakdown of muscles and also have a positive effect on the recovery from injuries.

Oxytocin promotes attachment and social behavior
Oxytocin plays a major role in childbirth because it promotes uterine contraction and milk flow during breastfeeding. However, it does not only affect the body but also social behavior by strengthening the bond between mother and child. Besides that, that affects „cuddle hormone“ but also the behavior between partners and in general also social interactions, by making it bindable and calming. However, as the researchers write, the hormone has so far been hardly associated with age-related muscle loss - it was only known that the oxytocin content in the blood decreases with age.

Study with mice shows connection between oxytocin and muscle regeneration
For their study, the researchers had examined mice: the older animals were administered oxytocin, the younger, however, a means that suppresses the function of the cuddly hormone. They then examined how the organism reacts to a poison that attacks the heart muscle. The result: The administration of oxytocin had apparently had a positive effect on the regeneration of the muscles in the older animals. The same effect was observed in the younger mice, despite administration of the oxytocin antagonist. If enough of the cuddly hormone was already present in the blood, the added hormone had no additional effect, the researchers said in their article.

New starting point for the treatment of muscle wasting?
For scientists, this may be a new starting point for the treatment of muscle wasting - provided that the relationship between muscle breakdown and the effects of oxytocin could be demonstrated in humans. „We further show that a genetic deficiency of oxytocin does not cause developmental abnormalities in the muscle, but instead leads to premature sarcopenia. Considering that oxytocin is an FDA-approved drug, this work demonstrates a potential new and safe way to combat or prevent skeletal muscle aging“, according to the scientists in "Nature Communications". For example, it would be conceivable for the authors to use a nasal spray which would allow the hormone to be taken regularly. But this possibility would also have to be investigated in further studies.