Nearsighted by higher education

Nearsighted by higher education / Health News

With the level of education, myopia increases


Wearing a pair of glasses not only gives you an educated look, but in fact, academics are more likely to wear glasses. Scientists of the University Medical Center Mainz have in the journal „Ophthalmology“ a study published according to which the nearsighted with the level of education increases, so the message of the German Ophthalmological Society (DOG). A-levels and studies are therefore bad for the eyes.

On the basis of their study results, researchers from the Mainz University Medical Center come to the conclusion that with the duration of education, myopia increases significantly. „Those who learn longer need stronger glasses“, reports the DOG. As possible causes of this connection, the researchers call the increased reading, working on the computer and the lack of daylight. Here, the German Ophthalmological Society advises, therefore, to specifically treat the eyes with breaks and to regularly look for a stay in the open, because this apparently counteracts myopia.

Every second graduate short-sighted
The researchers at the University Medical Center Mainz investigated in the context of the so-called „Gutenberg health study the visual acuity of 4,658 people aged 35 to 74 years“, so the message of the DOG. Here, more than half of the graduates had proven to be short-sighted, whereas in the subjects without secondary education only one in four was affected by poor eyesight. The differences between subjects with higher and lower education levels were therefore extremely pronounced. Although the causes of these deviations have not yet been conclusively resolved, the Director of the Mainz Eye Clinic and initiator of the Gutenberg study, Professor. med. Norbert Pfeiffer, presumed that it probably goes back to the Naharbeit, which determines the everyday lives of students.

Number of short-sighted strongly rising
„According to current studies, hours of reading, watching television and working on the computer contribute to the deterioration of vision“, The DOG quotes the director of the Mainz Eye Clinic. The expert also sees a connection here with the rapidly increasing number of short-sighted people over the last decades. At least one third of the population is now short-sighted in all industrial nations worldwide, and in some major Asian cities as many as 90 percent are affected. Although the reasons for this increase have not yet been clearly clarified, „Studies have shown that environmental factors such as education, work and leisure play a crucial role“, added the press spokesman of the DOG, Professor dr. med. Christian Ohrloff.

Environmental factors are crucial for the development of myopia
According to the DOG, the current study results also speak against the assumption, „that myopia - termed myopia in technical terms - is predominantly hereditary and congenital.“ The Head of the Investigations at the University Medical Center Mainz, Privatdozent Dr. med. med. Alireza Mirshahi, stressed that „The rapid increase in myopia, especially in Asia, can not be explained by genetic factors“ leave. Altogether 45 different genetic factors had been tested in their investigations, „but compared to the level of education, they had much less influence.“ So much speaks for the fact that environmental influences significantly influence the development of myopia.

Threatening sequelae in myopia
Regarding the causes of ametropia, the DOG explained that this is caused by a too long eyeball. As a result, the incident light rays do not focus on the retina, but in front of it, according to the association. As a result, distant objects would appear blurry. However, not only the vision becomes a problem for those affected, reports the DOG. „Even moderate myopia from -1 to -3 diopters doubles the risk of complications such as retinal detachment, greens or cataracts“, so the message of the DOG. To date, all attempts to cure or halt the progression of myopia with glasses or medication have been unsuccessful.

Protect from myopia by spending time outdoors
From the current studies, according to the DOG „However, students who spend a lot of time outdoors are less affected by myopia than couch potatoes.“ Professor Christian Ohrloff explained that „bright daylight seems to have a regulating effect on the growth of the eyes.“ The study authors from Mainz come to a similar conclusion and therefore recommend fresh air as a precautionary measure. Because students and students are currently subject to a higher risk of myopia, the experts advise to prevent, by specifically spending more time outdoors. (Fp)

Picture: Tim Reckmann