Short break is difficult First alarm sign for alcohol problem

Short break is difficult First alarm sign for alcohol problem / Health News
When a break is difficult: signs of alcohol problem
For a glass of wine for dinner or a beer with friends is usually not objectionable. Alcohol consumption has become commonplace for many people. If you do not take it out for two days without a drink, this should be seen as an alarm signal.

If you can not stand it for two days without alcohol
Statistically speaking, every German citizen drinks on average around 107 liters of beer and 21 liters of wine per year. "For many people alcohol is part of everyday life and is part of social and cultural life," said Gerd Nettekoven, Chairman of the Board of the German Cancer Aid (DHS) in a press release. Health experts say it should be considered an alarm if you can not stand it for two days without alcohol. People who become nervous or sweat in such an alcohol-free phase should go to the doctor. This is also true when your own thoughts on the two days revolve around alcohol.

There is nothing wrong with a glass of wine in the evening. But often alcohol consumption is part of everyday life. Those who can not stand it for two days without a drink should see this as a warning sign. (Image: Syda Productions /

Provide an overview of your own alcohol consumption
Since many sufferers are often unaware of their own consumption, one should address the alcohol problems of others, advises the German main office for addiction issues (DHS). Those who want to get an overview of their own alcohol consumption should keep a record for more than a week or more. The DHS in the new guide "Risky partnership. More Health - Less Alcohol ". In such a drinking diary one can register, where and in which mood one drank and also note the quantity. Templates for this can be found in the Krebshilfe prevention adviser, on the DHS website or as a free app called Drinking Diary for iOS and Android.

At least two non-alcoholic days a week
Dr. Raphael Gassmann, Managing Director of DHS, recommends in the communication: "Healthy men should drink no more than a quarter liter of wine or 0.6 liters of beer a day, healthy women should not exceed half of them." The DHS, but also other experts such as The Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA), recommend inserting at least two non-alcoholic days per week. "However, it is difficult to set a limit, because there is no risk-free consumption of alcohol," said Gassmann.

Many Germans drink too much
According to the DHS, every third man and every fifth woman exceeds the recommended daily intake. Especially the group of over 30-year-old men often develops risky drinking habits. According to experts, the transition from "enjoyment consumption" to problematic consumption and alcoholism is fluid and often develops over a longer period. People who drink a lot harm their health. With regular consumption, the cytotoxin damages organs and nerve cells. In addition, alcohol promotes the development of various cancers, including colon cancer and liver cancer. (Ad)