Curious emergency woman has to queue with her ear in the emergency room

Curious emergency woman has to queue with her ear in the emergency room / Health News
Bizarre emergency: Woman with a snake on her ear to the hospital
In the US, a teenage girl with a snake stuck to her ear had to go to the hospital. As she posted pictures of the adversity on Facebook, her case is currently making the rounds worldwide. At the clinic, the young woman was freed from the python.

Adversity with royal python
The fear of snakes is widespread. Some people also keep the critters at home. Sometimes accidents happen, in some cases snakebites can end fatally. Even a young woman from the US state of Oregon recently passed with her snake an unpleasant mishap. The 17-year-old Ashle Glawe had to go to the hospital with her pectoral python "Bart" stuck to the ear.

In the US, doctors had to rescue a young woman from a snake dangling from her ear. The reptile had meandered through the tunnel ear hole and got stuck. (Image: Steve Byland -

Snake got stuck in ear hole
According to media reports, the young American from Portland had apparently tried to take a selfie with her pet. However, the Python snaked into the teenagers' stretched tunnel ear hole and got stuck.

"I'm frozen right now," Glawe told CNN. She talked about her fear: "If he slips through, my earlobe is split." The snake did not attack its owner, but "Pythons like to hide in holes," it says on "Oregon Live".

Firefighters could not help juveniles
According to her, the young woman had tried to get her pet out of the Ohloch herself. When this did not happen, she contacted the fire department, who could not help her either.

She finally went to the emergency room of a hospital. There, doctors anesthetized her ear and removed the snake.

Pet and owner in good condition
Before she was separated from her pet, she took a few pictures showing the king's phone dangling from her ear and posted the footage on Facebook, where they've been making ever since.

"That was one of the craziest moments of my life so far," writes Glawe. "It all happened so fast, before I even knew what happened, it was already too late." According to media reports, both the beating and the owner are now in good condition. (Ad)