Copper jewelry in rheumatoid arthritis

Copper jewelry in rheumatoid arthritis / Health News

Copper jewelry in rheumatoid arthritis - what's wrong?


An English study has come to the conclusion that magnetic and copper bands do not help with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In the study conducted in England, 70 patients with RA carried four different armbands for five weeks: a copper bracelet, a magnetic bracelet with about 2200 gauss, and a weakly magnetized one. Another bracelet, which was demagnetized, served as a placebo.

The study concluded that the bracelets had no effect on pain, mobility, inflammatory parameters, or the number of swollen joints. Source: Richmond SJ et al. Copper Bracelets and Magnetic Wrist straps for Rheumatic Arthrithis - Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Effects. PLos ONE 2013; 8 (9)

Image: Dieter Schütz