Cow or goat's milk Is one possibly healthier than the other?

Cow or goat's milk Is one possibly healthier than the other? / Health News
Goat's milk offers a good alternative for intolerance
Milk is considered healthy and is one of the most popular drinks in this country. According to information from the Dairy Industry Association, e.V., a good 53 liters are consumed by every German on average in one year. Liquid food is made up of many mammal species, but cow milk is the most economically viable one. Who does not tolerate this or would like to try something different, finds in goat's milk a good alternative. Although it has a special taste, but provides many vitamins and is easy to digest.

Goat's milk is digested faster
Cow's milk products are particularly popular in this country. Whether as whole milk, low-fat milk, mixed drink or in the form of other products such as yoghurt, butter, cottage cheese and cheese - for many people, the nutritious food is on the menu every day. But it does not always have to be cow's milk. For example, those who do not tolerate it well can choose goat's milk or cheese. As reported by the news agency "dpa", these contain more so-called "medium-chain fatty acids" according to the consumer information service "aid" and are thus faster or easier digestible.

Goat's milk products can provide a healthy change. (Image: baibaz /

Rich in vitamins and minerals
For people with allergies goat milk is often better suited, which are in her less allergenic substances. In addition, goat's milk is especially valuable because it contains many vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Amongst others, copper, zinc, calcium and magnesium are found in the milk, as well as a high content of vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D and E. Linoleic acid, which is one of the omega-6 fatty acids, is also abundant available. This can not be formed by the body itself, but occurs only in vegetable oils and animal fats. Adopted from the outside, it develops hormone-like substances in the body that inhibit inflammation, the aid continues.

The disadvantage, however, is the somewhat severe taste of goat's milk, which among other things results from the fact that it quickly assumes foreign odors. In addition, it contains significantly less folic acid than cow's milk, which makes it unsuitable for the preparation of baby food. (No)