Shorter immunotherapy for hay fever not more effective than placebo

Shorter immunotherapy for hay fever not more effective than placebo / Health News
People with hay fever should perform immunotherapy for three years
Many people in Germany suffer from hay fever. This disease is the most common allergy in most industrialized countries. Researchers now found that immunotherapy lasting two years does not really make sense in treating hay fever. Therefore, two years of immunotherapy was only as effective as the administration of placebos.

The researchers from Imperial College London found in an investigation that too short a treatment of hay fever by a so-called immunotherapy does not bring more success than a treatment with placebos. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Journal of the American Medical Association".

Hay fever makes life difficult for many people. Diseased people are looking for ways to reduce the symptoms of allergy. Physicians found that the commonly used immunotherapy only makes sense if it is continued for a period of at least three years. (Image: djoronimo /

Two years of immunotherapy just as effective as placebos
In allergies, immunotherapy is often used, usually in the form of allergy spraying. This type of treatment is said to prevent itchy eyes, runny noses and sneezing, say the experts. However, immunotherapy only makes sense if it continues for a period of three years. Two years of immunotherapy were only as effective as a placebo, the authors explain.

How is the vaccine taken in immunotherapy??
Hay fever immunotherapy usually involves receiving a high dose grass pollen vaccine. This is done either as a monthly injection or as a daily pill, says Professor Stephen Durham of Imperial College London in England.

Hay fever can affect work and school
In America, there are about 15 percent of people diagnosed with hay fever. In addition, 30 percent suffer from symptoms of hay fever, which can adversely affect quality of life and sleep, the researchers explain. This could then also impact on work or school result.

Tablets and nasal spray often cause side effects
About 50 percent of those affected find topical tablets and nasal sprays either ineffective or have unacceptable side effects. A so-called grass pollen immunotherapy is highly effective, but must be performed for at least three years for the long-term remission of hay fever, the authors say.

Patients should have the opportunity for immunotherapy
Immunotherapies offer a way of treatment for specific patients. Successful immunotherapy can avoid years of taking sprays and pills. Doctors should generally allow those affected the possibility of immunotherapy, the researchers explain. So the sufferers will take less medication and less days at work missing.

Experts examined 106 subjects for their study
For their study, the researchers randomly studied 106 adults with moderate to severe seasonal hay fever. The subjects either received immunotherapy for two years or were given an inactive placebo. To better assess the efficacy of the treatment, patients were exposed to certain grasses before treatment, after one year of treatment and one year after treatment, the doctors add.

Two years of immunotherapy are not enough to treat hay fever
In the end, 92 patients completed the study. In these, the scientists found that two years of immunotherapy were insufficient to treat the disease. An improvement took place only in the third year of treatment. Immunotherapy is highly effective, but must be performed for at least three years for long-term benefits, explains Professor Durham. (As)