Herbal tea prevents colds

Drinking plenty of herbal teas avoids colds
With the winter, the cold and cold season is back at the door. A lot of drinking especially in the form of herbal teas can help to prevent corresponding diseases, said Johannes Gottfried Mayer of the research group Klostermedizin of the University of Würzburg told the news agency „dpa“.
Hydration in the form of herbal teas helps according to the expert to prevent the drying of the mucous membranes, so that they retain their protective function against pathogens. Therefore, herbal teas are an effective way to prevent colds even in winter time, explained Johannes Gottfried Mayer.
Healthy herbal tea with slimy substances and essential oils
So that the herbal teas develop a maximum effect against colds, these should „especially mucilage or saponins as well as antiviral and antibacterial essential oil supply“, emphasized Gottfried Mayer of the research group Klostermedizin of the University of Würzburg. According to the expert, the mucilages and saponins form a kind of protective film over the mucous membranes, which facilitates the defense against pathogens. According to Gottfried Mayer, the essential oils have an antiviral and antibacterial mode of action. Thus, the enjoyment of corresponding herbal teas can help to prevent the occurrence of colds even in the cold season. As an example of the cold-preventing hot drinks Mayer called herbal tea from the marshmallow root, which contains a particularly large amount of mucilage, made of licorice roots, which have a lot of saponins and of thyme or peppermint, which both contain many essential oils. „So you can mix - depending on taste preferences - marshmallow or licorice with thyme or peppermint“, so the statement of the expert. According to Gottfried Mayer, it is also important that sufficient quantities of tea are drunk. The herbal tea should not be drunk too hot and slowly several times a day in order to achieve an optimal effect, explained Mayer. In this way, a lot of drinking can help to avoid colds during the winter.
Nutrition to strengthen the immune system
Not only the fluid intake but also the diet can develop a cold-preventing effect. Thus, a balanced and healthy diet, according to the experts supports the defense against cold viruses. The healthy diet strengthens the immune system, whereby in particular vitamins, trace elements such as zinc and selenium but also unsaturated fatty acids have a positive effect. In addition to the fluid intake is therefore important to ensure that the daily diet contains as much fresh fruit and vegetables. In addition, regular consumption of whole grains and fish is recommended. The naturopathic methods for avoiding colds, runny nose and cough during the cold season can be found in the journal article „Strengthen the immune system“ read. (Fp)
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Image: Florentine