Criticism of headscarf ban in medical practice

Criticism of headscarf ban in medical practice / Health News

Headscarf ban in doctor's office: Minister Hahn: Headscarf ban at the doctor „unhappy“.

(07.09.2010) As previously reported, a family doctor set up so-called rules of the game, in which u.a. he imposed a headscarf ban in his practice. The headscarf ban at the family doctor now ensures further discussions. The Hessian Minister of Integration Jörg-Uwe Hahn assesses the headscarf ban recently imposed by a Wächtersbach doctor on patients as „unhappy“ and the Islamic religious community means, „The doctor violates human rights“.

„Basically, all patients should be treated by a doctor regardless of the type of clothing or the number of children. In this respect, the behavior of Wächtersbacher doctor was unhappy“, Hahn stressed to the news agency „dpa“ and also described the doctor's decision as „overreaction“. However, there is still a possibility of positive consequences if the doctor shows up as announced ready to talk and „Open discussions between the doctor and all participants take place“. „Then the problems in practice could change for the future“ said the Hessian Minister of Integration.

On the other hand, the measures taken by the physician in the short term triggered more than incomprehension among all political representatives and those affected. To put a sign on the practice, which makes it clear that no Muslims are treated wearing a headscarf and beyond banished large families from the practice, is clearly not the right way. Also it can not be that. Help seekers have to have basic knowledge of the German language in order to be treated. The Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians and the State Medical Association are also examining the procedure described. Meanwhile, the doctor has apologized for his move and will be answering a press conference on Wednesday ...

The criticism in particular from the direction of the foreigners associations does not tear off, because „This is not a slip-up, what this doctor has done“ said Corrado Di Benedetto, chairman of the State Foreigners' Advisory Council to the dpa. Di Benedetto stressed further he had „never thought that a doctor in Germany can go that far.“ He called on the medical association to consequences.

This criticism is supported by the Islamic Religious Community of Hesse, which accuses the doctor of sorting and marginalizing people. The president of the religious community, Ramazan Kuruyüz, once again made it clear that nationality or the number of children should not play a role in the treatment of patients. „The doctor violates human rights and his oath. He just has to give each person his medical help“, Ramazan Kuruyüz continued.

According to the doctor, the doctor said it was not about headscarves or nationality, but he had decided in the course of years of problems in the treatment of Turkish Muslim patients to attach the sign with the restrictions in order for a „Smoother practice“ to care. (Fp)

Also read:
Doctor imposes headscarf ban in his practice

Image: Jerzy Sawluk