Kristin Peters Naturopathic Dying Care

Kristin Peters Naturopathic Dying Care / Health News
The trained death and mourning companion In this guidebook, Kristin Peters gives relatives and medical staff an insight into the needs of the terminally ill. The book contains tools from naturopathy, which can assist in the accompaniment of a dying person.

Dying easier with the help of naturopathy. (Image:

People who turn to the sick and dying work against fear and loneliness. For support and also for their own empowerment they can resort to aids. Dr. Kristin Peters is a specialist in herbal medicine and a death and grieving companion. In Counseling Naturopathic Dormant she shares her experience and assembles applications for common nursing and care challenges.

The topics covered are divided into four major areas. The physical care is one of them. It is about alleviating symptoms that cause illness, medication or dying itself. This is followed by the important area of ​​mental and spiritual care. How do you succeed in talking to each other about the situation, to give the feelings a space? What role does sleep play and how can dreams be understood as a cleansing process? What measures help to relieve anxiety and restlessness?

The author also talks about contact and communication options when the language is no longer an option. The significance of distance and touch are explained here as well as the touch of the senses through scents, music or pictures.

In addition, Peters shows possibilities of support for the accompanying relatives. These include information on organization and bureaucratic needs, but also, for example, a guide to meditation in order to be able to process the farewell and grief.

Kristin Peters: Naturopathic Dying
Applications for common care and assistance challenges for relatives and healthcare professionals
Food: KVC Verlag 2018, ISBN 978-3-945150-87-0, 163 pages,