Criminal by smoking during pregnancy?

Criminal by smoking during pregnancy? / Health News

Criminal children by smoking in pregnancy?

„Smoking makes her children criminal“ so could soon be a new warning on the cigarette packs. Because American researchers at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts have found that smoking in pregnancy increases the criminal potential of children.

American scientists at Harvard University have reviewed the criminal record of around 4,000 people between the ages of 33 and 40, while checking mothers' cigarette consumption. In the process, they have found that starting with cigarette use of one box a day, the risk of a criminal career for unborn children increases by 30 percent.

Cigarette consumption in pregnant women increases the crime rate
Earlier studies have scientifically proven a connection between the mothers' tobacco consumption and psychologically conspicuous behavior of the children. Children who passively inhale the smoke are therefore more likely to be hyperactive, can concentrate poorly, and are more aggressive. Building on these findings, researchers at Harvard University have examined the effects of pregnant women's cigarette smoking on the unborn child in their recent research. With astonishing results: the risk that the unborn child will later become criminal increases significantly with the tobacco consumption of pregnant women. Pregnant women who smoke at least one pack of cigarettes a day are 30 percent more likely to have a criminal career, regardless of whether the descendants are female or male.

Passive smoking leads to psychologically conspicuous behavior
The researchers emphasized in the presentation of their study results that the relationship between mother's cigarette consumption and the child's criminal behavior persists even when other factors such as mental illness, mental stress, family problems or poverty also influence one's health have been excluded from criminal development. Thus, the approaches of previous studies, which had already established a connection between passive smoking and psychologically conspicuous behavior of children, have been confirmed in the current investigation. For the children and adolescents a bad news, because while among them, the tobacco consumption steadily declined, smokes of the adults still about a third. With correspondingly negative effects on the development of children, as evidenced by the current study by Harvard University. (Fp)