Back pain Strengthen your back with hackers and Kraule

Back pain Strengthen your back with hackers and Kraule / Health News
Strengthening for the back by hackers and Krauler
Millions of people in this country are repeatedly plagued by back pain. When your back hurts, not only is the work harder, but you also have less fun in your free time. With a few exercises such as hacking, scratching or cat humping you can ensure a healthy back.

Back pain complicates work and leisure
A painful back makes work and leisure more difficult for us. But you can prevent that. If you regularly do something for your backbone, you can counteract complaints. Although back pain can in some cases have psychological causes, "Over 80 percent of back pain is muscular. So if we regularly do exercises that strengthen the muscles of the back, we prevent back problems ", explained Prof. Dr. med. Ingo Froböse of the German Sport University Cologne opposite the news agency dpa.

Exercise cat hump. Image: Margit Power - fotolia

Step bearing to relieve the back
A combination of exercise, relaxation and pressure point massages is ideal for this. "Most back pain is alarm pain and can be resolved through simple exercises. It does not have to be the doctor's injection, "Froböse said. The so-called step bearing is the classic for relieving the back. The legs in the hip and knee joint are mounted at right angles on a chair to relieve the thoracic and lumbar spine. To relax the spine, you can also roll up to a small package. However, not too far, because pain should not occur.

Hacker and grumpy lying on his stomach
Again and again confirmed in scientific studies: Long sitting makes you sick. Therefore, it is not surprising that many back problems arise through office work. On average, adults in this country sit 7.5 hours a day. It is therefore all the more important to take time for his back. "Anyone who invests in back exercises every day for 10 minutes will feel the effect quickly," explained Froböse. The health expert called as a classic example to strengthen the hull the hacker or the gripper lying on his stomach. The mobility of the spine is promoted by the so-called Katzenbuckel. Also important is regular stretching, which also helps to counteract muscle hardening. The thoracic spine, for example, is made supple with the so-called spreader. This can protect against blockages and tension. With such exercises for the prevention of back pain, one usually achieves a great effect very quickly.

First motto: Mobilize the tired bones again. Image: Sabine Hürdler - fotolia

Heat relieves pain
In addition to back pain exercises, heat therapy can usually help against the pain and tension. For example, you can take a bath in 37 degrees warm water. With additives such as lemon balm, lavender flowers, sage, rosemary or thyme can also promote blood circulation. In addition, this type of aromatherapy contributes to stress relief; Stress is in many cases the cause of ailments such as tension. Dr. Froböse has another piece of advice: a hot envelope for which you cook potatoes, crush them into porridges, and wrap them in a kitchen towel. (Ad)