Cancer Center fallacy of sunbathing

Cancer Center fallacy of sunbathing / Health News

Most errors about sunbathing


Allegedly, the sunbath should be good for the immune system. These and other errors were clarified by the "National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT)" in Heidelberg. Because the Germans favorite hobby in the summer is much unhealthier than many assume.

Sunbathing only in moderation and with sunscreen cream
The fact that tanned skin is a sign that sun-worshipers are less able to apply cream is completely wrong, reports the doctor Jessica Hassel, head of the dermatological ambulance at the NTC. The tan would only indicate a degree of damage to the skin. In any case, apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 25, but preferably 50.

Once the skin has been creamed, many seem to assume that after-creaming will be enough to increase sun protection. „It is a widespread misunderstanding that retardation increases protection time“, says Hassel. It is certainly advisable to apply sunscreen again after swimming. However, this does not extend the protection time. Even in the shade, the doctor recommends adequate sun protection. Because the shadow alone does not protect against the dangerous radiation as often assumed. Clothing also lets the sun's rays through - especially when it's wet.

One of the common misconceptions about the benefits of sunbathing is that the sun is good for the immune system, says the doctor. However, just the opposite is the case: the immune system is even attacked by the UV rays. Even the mistaken belief that the sun is beneficial to the psyche, refutes Hassel: „That's only true for people with real depression.“

If you do not want to do without sunbathing, you should always apply a good lotion and best avoid the time between 11 am and 3 pm, as the sun's rays are then most intense and harmful.

What to do with sunburn?
If the sunburn is there, sufferers can relieve their symptoms, for example, with moist compresses and soothing and cooling creams, lotions or after-sun sprays. The envelopes can be used with dish towels. However, they should be germ-free to prevent inflammation. Lotions should not contain any chemical substances and fragrances that can cause further health complications. In addition, a sufficient hydration is advisable, the body of sufferers has an increased need. (Ag)

Also read:
Avoid sun only in moderation and sunburn
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First aid with sunburn
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Picture: manwalk