Cancer risk from deficiency symptoms Selenium can protect the liver

Dietary supplements have been growing in popularity for years. Health experts, however, have warned against uncontrolled ingestion of the trace element selenium in the past because it increases the risk of contracting cancer. Berlin researchers now report that a high selenium value in the blood for a reduced liver cancer risk.
Experts advise against supplementing with selenium
Dietary supplements are becoming increasingly popular, but according to the German Society of Endocrinology (DGE), excessive consumption of the trace element selenium is toxic. When healthy people consume selenium supplements in excess, severe discomfort can occur.
Affected suffer mostly from abdominal pain, gastrointestinal discomfort, hair loss and nail changes. In addition, symptoms such as irritability, fatigue or nerve irritation are possible. Also, the risk of metabolic disorder diabetes type II is increased.
One study showed that selenium in high doses can also increase the risk of prostate cancer. Apparently there are also complex carcinogenic interactions between too much vitamin E and selenium.

Decreased liver cancer risk
However, scientists from Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin have now shown, in collaboration with the International Agency for Research on Cancer, that a high selenium level in the blood causes a reduced risk of liver cancer. The study published in the journal "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" has also included other risk factors and the impact of selenium care on the development of other cancers.
Trace element in fish and meat
As the university writes in a message, the trace element selenium (Se) is contained, inter alia, in fish, seafood, meat, milk and eggs. The element finds its way over the soil and the plants in the course of the nutrition in humans and animals.
European soils are rather selenium poor, which is reflected in a more or less pronounced selenium deficiency of the population. Therefore, the trace element is used in Germany, for example, in the animal mast complementary.
Selenium deficiency can promote diseases
According to the experts, a selenium-rich diet or adequate supplementation does not cause any disadvantages. A selenium deficiency, on the other hand, can therefore be a risk factor for diseases. "We were able to show that a lack of selenium is a strong risk factor for liver cancer," explained Prof. Dr. med. Lutz Schomburg from the Institute of Experimental Endocrinology.
"According to our data, the third of the population with the strongest selenium deficiency has a five to ten times higher risk of hepatocellular carcinoma, also called liver cancer," says the scientist.
Importance of a balanced diet
According to the information, the current study is a case-control study. From a cohort of 477,000 subjects, those who had developed hepatocellular carcinoma in the following decade were identified. The analysis of the blood samples for selenium status was done when the participants were still healthy.
"Our study does not directly show that supplementation with selenium protects against liver cancer. However, it underpins again the importance of a balanced diet, in which the trace element selenium should not be missed, "said Prof. Schomburg. Previous studies had suggested similar relationships between selenium status and colorectal cancer risk or the likelihood of thyroid disease. (Ad)