Cancer Registry Berlin jointly against cancer

Berlin and Brandenburg are planning a joint cancer registry
Berlin and Brandenburg want to create a joint cancer registry to jointly improve diagnosis and treatment methods. Brandenburg has had such a nationwide register since 1995, now the Berlin data are to be added. According to a federal law adopted in 2013 on the further development of cancer screening and quality assurance, the Länder are required to register cancer by 2017.
Joint cancer registry of Berlin and Brandenburg to start in January 2016
Every year around 15,000 Brandenburg residents are newly diagnosed with cancer. About 7,500 do not survive the disease. In Berlin, around 17,260 people are diagnosed with cancer, of which about 8,900 die from cancer. The two federal states now want to take up the fight against cancer together. A so-called cancer registry should form the basis for this. It contains information on the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up from which physicians can determine if the patient receives the best possible treatment. Brandenburg's Minister of Health Diana Golze (left) and Berlin health senator Mario Czaja (CDU) have signed a corresponding agreement on Thursday in Berlin. The cancer registry is scheduled to start January 1, 2016, sponsored by the Landesärztekammer Brandenburg.
Berlin can fall back on Brandenburg's existing structures at the cancer registry
„Berlin and Brandenburg form a health region. We will not just live this if we market our region internationally together as a metropolis of health care at the highest level, and the citizens will live there too. Around 20 percent of the cancer patients treated in Berlin today are Brandenburg residents. With the joint clinical cancer registry, we will further improve the treatment of cancer patients in our common region“, Czaja explained. „The administrative agreement is an important preparatory step for the decentralized registration office in Berlin to start work at the beginning of 2016. The fact that we can fall back on the already functioning Cancer Registry in Brandenburg is a meaningful and trend-setting step, which facilitates the rapid rebuilding of structures in Berlin.“
90% of the operating costs of the cancer registry will be covered by the health insurance companies from 2016, ten percent will be borne by the federal states. „In medicine, there has been much progress in cancer prevention and prevention in recent decades. Cancer is still the second leading cause of death in Germany after cardiovascular disease. But thanks to improved early diagnosis, diagnosis and therapy, the chances of surviving cancer have increased enormously“, said Golze. „With the joint clinical cancer registry, we will further improve the diagnosis and therapy procedures. It provides physicians and researchers with valuable insights into diagnosis, treatment, healing processes and relapses, making the most promising cancer treatment visible to all. This benefits patients directly.“
Cancer Registry is intended to improve diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
André Buchali, chief physician at the Clinic for Radiation Therapy and Radiation Oncology at the Ruppiner Kliniken in Neuruppin and chairman of the Tumor Center Land Brandenburg e.V., explains how the cancer registry works „Berlin morning mail“: „Doctors report their data to the cancer registry. So far, they have used it most to see when which follow-up examinations are necessary. In the future, it will mainly be about the feedback to the doctors. "For example, surgeons would be informed about how many patients would have received the recommended radiation after an intervention, and the doctor would then recognize, „whether the patient has been treated qualitatively as well as possible. "
The number of cancer cases recorded in the Brandenburg Cancer Registry increased significantly between 2003 and 2013. For example, 38.7 percent of men and 27 percent more women suffered from cancer. „This has three main reasons, "Buchali continued. „Doctors have increasingly reported the cases to the cancer registry. Early stages of cancer are better captured - and the rate of diagnosis has increased with early detection programs. "Patients used to go to the doctor earlier.
Especially in prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer and skin cancer, the number of people affected increased. „In the case of men, lung cancer is falling, which is in line with the nationwide trend. "According to the head of the Tumor Center, there was an increase in women, and colon cancer was less frequently diagnosed in men and women „a success of the early warning campaign, "emphasizes Buchali.
> Image: Sigrid Rossmann