Danger of cancer For the sake of health, consume light instead of charred sausage

Many citizens who do not spend their holidays abroad are enjoying sociable barbecues in the garden. Opinions differ as to how it tastes particularly good from the grill. Also on the question of whether you should eat burned meat or better throw away, divorced the spirits.
Throw away charred meat?
Summertime is barbecue season: Hardly anything is as popular with people as laying sociable sausages, meat, fish or even vegetarian on the grid. But when grilled food such as bratwurst or steak is left out of sight for too long, it suddenly turns black. Then the controversy begins: Some say, "That's okay, you can eat with." Others say: "You have to cut away or throw away all the definitely. That can cause cancer. "In fact, scientists come to different conclusions.

Social barbecue without dangerous pollutants
Although health experts warn periodically that it belongs to healthy grilling pleasure without cancer pollutants that you cut away black spots on grilled food, but some even think that charred meat is healthy. So Canadian researchers had last year reported a study in which showed that charred bodies could reduce on the grill meat cancer risk - instead of this, as adopted by majority to increase. The Swiss Internet portal "20min.ch" now writes in a recent report that the question of whether one should eat burnt sausages and meat, was clear.
Increased cancer risk
As the message says, all soot should be removed before consumption. This is because when grilling protein-containing foods such as meat - among other things - also form so-called heterocyclic aromatic amines. According to researchers from the German Cancer Research Center, these are associated with an increased risk of colon cancer. The portal writes that participated in the study on the approximately 4,500 volunteers, those who Grilled "like racy like" twice as likely suffering from so-called adenomas - tumors, announce the cancer - as a participant, remove the black spots in principle.
Tips and tricks for better grilling
As stated in a European Food Safety Authority opinion, there is another danger from the smoke. It contains so-called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, PAK for short, which can also cause cancer. These arise, for example, when fat or marinade dripping into the fire or the meat is quenched with beer. Nevertheless, nobody has to give up social gatherings. First, there are many tips and tricks on how to prepare the food healthier. So you can reduce about the right preparation and the marinade cancerous matter during grilling. And on the other hand, takes a report from the Federal Office of Public Health, the supply of each of them though to the average total human exposure will, however, "only in the most extreme eating habits significantly increased". (Ad)