Danger of cancer Doctors warn against e-cigarette consumption
"Cancer risk not excluded"
Experts have urgently warned against the dangers of e-cigarettes on World No Tobacco Day this Sunday and demanded clear legal regulations. According to a news agency dpa news agency, Martina Pötschke-Langer, head of the Cancer Prevention Unit at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), said on Tuesday in Berlin: "Every train draws in a mixture of chemicals. Especially with high continuous consumption, a cancer risk can not be excluded. "
Children are seduced by targeted marketing
In addition, the German Cancer Aid fear that children will be seduced by targeted marketing for e-cigarettes to practice the smoke ritual. "This simplifies the transition to the tobacco cigarette," said CEO Gerd Nettekoven. And this would be extremely harmful to health, because smoking favors numerous diseases such as various cancers, cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack, arterial diseases such as atherosclerosis (arteriosclerosis) or the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD (smoker's lung). Just how dangerous smoking can be is shown by new figures, which were pointed out recently. According to the study, there are more female deaths from lung cancer in the industrialized countries than from breast cancer. Among other things, the DKFZ, the Non-Smoking Action Alliance and other supporters are calling for a ban on the sale of e-cigarettes to young people under the age of 18 and the legal equal treatment of nicotine-free and nicotine-containing cigarettes.
E-cigarettes should no longer be sold to minors
Although the electronic cigarettes contain no tobacco, but mostly nicotine. For around one and a half years, e-shishas, another variant of e-cigarettes, are also on the market. Since both contain no tobacco, they are not yet covered by the Youth Protection Act. This gap should be closed later this year. The federal government is planning a ban on e-cigarettes for young people and children. The ban was inspired by Federal Family Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) and Minister of Food Christian Schmidt (CSU). Child protection clubs praised the thrust.
Harmful effects in studies
That the electronic glow sticks are harmful to health, have shown numerous studies. For example, many e-cigarette liquids contain flavors that irritate the respiratory tract, according to a study. Portland State University (Oregon, USA) researchers recently reported that steamers are able to take such substances in their normal use in amounts exceeding twice the recommended maximum levels. They called in the journal "Tobacco Control", among other things, manufacturers to commit to name the ingredients on their products and set a maximum limit for certain substances.
Flavors of pineapple to cotton candy
Unlike smoking, in which the ingredients are burned, in the e-cigarette, a liquid - the liquid - at a certain temperature only evaporated. During inhalation, aerosols enter the lungs, but no combustion products. The liquids consist of more than 90 percent of a carrier substance, in most cases propylene glycol or glycerin. These provide in the e-cigarettes for the visible vapor during inhalation and exhalation. The taste comes from flavors. There are thousands of them in countless flavors, ranging from pineapple to eggnog and mint to cotton candy.
Proponents and opponents
Many advocates point out that e-cigarettes help to stop smoking and are as effective as nicotine patches. They therefore measure them by normal smoldering stats and assume that they could save many lives as an alternative to conventional cigarettes. Opponents compare the electronic vaporizers with total abstinence and refer to the health risks. Some critics also warn that e-cigarettes could arouse the desire for real cigarettes and make smoking acceptable again. (Ad)
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