Cancer Many advocate the use of personalized patient information

Cancer Many advocate the use of personalized patient information / Health News

The Germans fear the most about cancer

According to a recent survey, cancer represents the biggest health threat to about two-thirds of Germans. Eight out of ten German citizens therefore support the use of personalized patient data if cancer drugs can be developed faster.

Individual therapy promises the best chance of recovery

According to health experts, cancer therapy tailored to the individual patient promises the best chance of recovery. However, personalized cancer medicine initially requires large amounts of data. According to experts, however, privacy is in the way here; this inhibits medical progress. However, a majority of Germans would be willing to share their data in the service of research. This was demonstrated by the representative survey "Personalized Cancer Medicine" by the consulting firm PwC Strategy & among 1,000 citizens.

According to a recent survey, eight in ten German citizens are in favor of using personalized patient data if it helps to develop cancer drugs more quickly. (Image: DOC RABE Media /

Germans are most afraid of cancer

The population survey showed that Germans are the most fearful of cancer diagnosis.

For about two-thirds (67 percent), tumors represent the greatest health threat. Accordingly, the significance of cancer research is correspondingly high: 86 percent consider it "very important"..

As the company reports, eight out of ten citizens advocate the sharing of personalized information if it can reduce the development time of cancer medicines.

"Citizens want to make sure that privacy is guaranteed. Their data would only be shared with a trustworthy institution, preferably with academic research institutes such as universities, "said Michael Burkhart, Head of Healthcare & Pharma at PwC Germany in an interview.

Financial return expected

On the question of whether he found the result surprising, Burkhart said: "The extent has surprised me already. After all, the subject of "data protection" is discussed particularly critically in the German public. "

He continued, "But we also see that the fear of cancer is pronounced. The Germans fear the cancer more than cardiovascular diseases such as stroke or heart attack, although in fact most people in Germany die from it. "

The interest in cancer research is correspondingly high, "as well as the willingness to make their own contribution to science, especially through the disclosure of personal data," said Burkhart.

But this contribution should not necessarily be unselfish. The survey showed that just under every fifth person expects to receive financial compensation for providing personal data, for example in the form of lower health insurance contributions or payment.

One third would provide his data for free. And more than a quarter of Germans would even welcome the need to make data mandatory anonymously.

Support cancer research by participating in studies

In addition to sharing personal data, two-thirds of Germans would also be prepared to support cancer research by participating in studies. But what progress cancer medicine currently makes at all?

"Enormous," said Dr. Thomas Solbach. "Cancer diagnostics and therapy will fundamentally change over the next three to five years," says the pharmaceutical and health expert at Strategy & Germany.

"In the future, it will be even more important than ever to adapt the therapy individually to the patient by means of targeted diagnostic methods such as molecular genetic examinations of tumor tissue and blood as well as meaningful data analyzes," said Solbach.

"The keyword here is personalized or tailor-made cancer medicine, which combines knowledge about the disease with new technological possibilities and individual patient data."

Not every patient immediately addresses a therapy

Michael Burkhart explained why personalized cancer medicine has such great potential: "Cancer research has long known that the disease is different, and not every patient immediately responds to treatment."

And: "The chances of a cure increase enormously, the risks of unwanted side effects decrease, if the therapy is individually adapted to the patient - and not only at the beginning of the therapy, but over the entire course", so the expert.

"In addition, it can be avoided so that sufferers have to undergo a stressful therapy to which they do not respond."

One in four considers anticancer drugs overpriced

But that has its price. According to the data, the cost of a modern cancer treatment of 50,000 euros and more per year and patient is twelve times higher than the average cost per insured person.

Nevertheless, six out of ten Germans consider this expenditure justified, especially if the innovative means prove that they have been used.

"About a quarter think the prices for cancer drugs overpriced, regardless of their benefits," said Dr. Solbach.

"The cost awareness has increased, also in the health industry. But we know that personalized medicine does not necessarily make medicines more expensive, but can help reduce healthcare costs, "said the pharmaceutical and healthcare expert. (Ad)