Cancer in pets often treatable

Cancer in pets often treatable / Health News

Cancer in pets is treatable but often expensive


Cancer is relatively common among pets - not least because of the increased life expectancy of animals - but there are therapeutic options for the various types of cancer - provided the owners are willing to bear the cost of the treatment.

„The diagnosis of cancer or tumor is more and more frequently diagnosed in our small animal patients, as the life expectancy of dogs and cats has risen significantly due to better nutrition, regular vaccination, better prevention and treatment measures as well as increased willingness on the part of the owners“, reported the veterinary clinic Hofheim in Hesse. For pet owners, the diagnosis of cancer in their pet is usually a shock and many assume that this disease is untreatable, the veterinary clinic continues. However, there are usually quite therapeutic options that include, for example, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgical interventions similar to those in humans.

Veterinary clinic specializing in cancer therapy in pets
The veterinary clinic Hofheim has specialized in cancer therapy in pets and set up a corresponding oncology team. On the approaches of cancer therapy in animals, the clinic reports that it differs significantly from that in humans, „As well as the prolongation of life always the preservation or the restoration of a good quality of life receives equal priority.“ Thus, therapies associated with a predominantly reduced quality of life or prolonged hospitalization would be avoided in the treatment of cancer in animals. „Our most important endeavor is that the patient does not have pain or suffering from the cancer or therapy beyond acceptable levels“, reports the clinic.

Diagnosis of tumors
According to information from the veterinary clinic Hofheim, the type of tumor (distinguishing between benign and benign and malignant or malignant tumors) and its spread in the body is important in the diagnosis. In most cases, the removal of a tissue sample is necessary for tissue diagnosis. The spread of the tumors is determined, for example, by means of blood tests and modern imaging techniques such as X-ray, ultrasound, or computed tomography (CT). Because many pets with cancers have already reached an advanced age, it is often not done just to treat the tumor, the veterinary clinic continues. Other health problems of the animals must be considered.

Skin cancer especially common in pets
With regard to the frequency of various cancers, the veterinary clinic Hofheim reports that skin cancers are by far the most observed in domestic animals. Furthermore, the animals increasingly suffer from tumors of the mammary gland (mammary tumors) and the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, according to the experts come tumors of the abdominal organs (liver, spleen, pancreas), the respiratory tract, the urinary organs, the genitals, the skeleton, the nervous system and the eyes. Also, cancers in the ear canal and the hematopoietic system can infest the pets. The occurrence of various tumors varies according to Professor Ingo Nolte of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover also depending on the sex and the breed of animals, reports the news agency „dpa“.

Cancer detection in animals
With regard to the approaches of cancer therapy in pets, Professor Nolte explained to the „dpa“, that measures that strengthen the body's defenses and the immune system are just as important as humans. Furthermore, according to the tumor expert and head of the Hofheimer Clinic, Martin Kessler, the timing of the diagnosis is decisive for the success of the therapy. Early detection plays a decisive role here. Corresponding cancer screening studies can significantly increase the chance of early detection of the tumors. If the cancer is clearly diagnosed, it should best be started as soon as possible, according to the expert. (Fp)

Picture: NicoLeHe