Creative minds Demanding professional activities keep you mentally fitter as you age

Creative minds Demanding professional activities keep you mentally fitter as you age / Health News
With mental requirement in the occupation one shows smaller degradation symptoms with the age
German scientists have found in a study that one remains mentally fitter by a demanding job in old age. Keeping the brain up to a ripe old age is playing an increasingly important role in our aging society.

Creativity in the job keeps you mentally fit even in old age. (Image: Robert Kneschke /

Mentally fitter through more demanding professional activities
Seniors today are mentally fitter than their peers 20 years ago. This was shown by a study recently reported by the Humboldt University in Berlin. One reason may be found in the workplace. The "Apotheken Umschau" (7/2015 B) reported on the basis of a study by the University of Leipzig that demanding occupational activities also have a positive effect on mental performance in old age. For the long-term study, the scientists had questioned and examined around 1,000 senior citizens over a period of eight years.

Stay fit until old age
It turned out that the most challenged participants in the job also performed best in their age and had the least degradation. Thus, their performance deteriorated only half as strong as the participants with the lowest demands in professional life. A good reason to be happy when it gets a bit more complicated at work. Even with regard to the aging population, this is a positive finding. With increasing years of life, the risk of developing dementia increases. Although there is no miracle cure for brain aging, according to scientists, there are hints on how to keep the brain fit into old age. Studies have shown that it can help to learn a new language as a senior or to play with lively grandchildren. Or to carry out even more demanding occupational activities. (Ad)