Sick leave due to mental illness

Sick leave due to mental illness / Health News

More sick leave due to mental illness has risen


In recent days, it has been reported from various states that sick leave has increased. He also rose again in the Saarland last year. The most common cause of sick leave for the first time was mental illness.

Sick leave increased again
In the past year, the sick leave in the Saarland has risen again. This emerges from the current DAK health report, such as „SR-online“ reported. The DAK has around 80,000 insured persons in the southwestern federal state. Most insured persons were insured in the Regionalverband Saarbrücken and in St. Ingbert. In Homburg, on the other hand, according to the report, the fewest insured persons stayed away from work, followed by the districts of Neunkirchen and St. Wendel. Although the number of sick leave in the Saarland regions varied, the causes were the same everywhere.

Mental illness first came first
For the first time, mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety, followed by diseases of the musculoskeletal system are at the forefront. The largest increase in days lost, however, was recorded at 58 percent in cardiovascular disease. The health insurance has in the current health report this time nationwide also taken the generation of 25 to 39-year-olds under the microscope. It was found that in this age group, in which mostly family and work have to be agreed with each other, the mothers and fathers, despite multiple burdens, are less frequently on sick leave than the younger ones and shorter than the elders.

Every third Berliner suffers from mental illness
When a few days ago, the results of a study of the Barmer GEK were announced that in Berlin, more than 34 percent and in Brandenburg almost 29 percent of the working population in 2012 were affected by a mental illness, the Berlin Barmer boss Claudia Korf also addressed the financial burden on the health insurance companies. Compared to the „Tagesspiegel“ She also explained why there are so many people suffering from mental illness in the capital. Thus, mental illnesses were diagnosed where many psychologists also settled. And this is especially the case in the city states and in the richer southern Germany. She says there is more diagnosis where more doctors are sitting. (Ad)

Picture: Günter Havlena