Sick leave even without a family doctor

Sick leave even without a family doctor / Health News

Relaxation of the rules required: sick leave without family doctor


The policy should relax the rules for the sick leave of workers. The physicians of the University of Magdeburg have demanded a press release. Certificates are a very common reason for doctor visits.

Sick leave is often reason for doctor visits
According to a press report, doctors at the University of Magdeburg have called on politicians to relax the rules for the sick leave of employees. According to the researchers, the reasons for short-term visits to the family doctor are, according to the researchers, often the reason for short-term visits to a doctor. Wolfram Herrmann, head of the research team, told the „World on Sunday“: „We should think in Germany about relaxing the rules for sick leave.“

Ownership of employees
„The goal may be that employees can report themselves ill for up to one week.“ This would relieve the GPs and at the same time strengthen the personal responsibility of the employees. „Experiences from Norway show that the number of absenteeism days does not skyrocket as a result of an independent sick leave notification“, Herrmann. In the Scandinavian country there are already plans for much longer periods for self-illness. According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Norway receives on average about half as many doctor visits per capita as Germany.

Health politician is open-minded
The CDU health politician Jens Spahn showed the „world“ According to informed for a reform of the sick leave rules and told the newspaper: „In Germany, the number of average doctor visits is also so high because patients only for prescriptions, follow-up visits or even short-term illnesses always need to see a doctor.“ The majority of absenteeism in the Federal Republic is caused by long-term illnesses. For example, the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) announced a few weeks ago that although more workers are being sick because of colds or back pain, but employees who are unable to work for example because of depression, turn out to be particularly long. (Ad)