Sick leave among employees rise

Sick leave among employees rise / Health News

Sick leave among employees rise. Statistics from the Federal Ministry of Health show that in the first three months of this year, the number of sick leave due to employees with statutory health insurance increased by twelve percent compared to the same period last year. In the process, a gender difference is becoming more and more apparent: women are missing more often than men.

(26.04.2010) Statistics of the Federal Ministry of Health show that in the first three months of this year, the number of sick leave due to statutory health insurance increased by twelve percent compared to the same period last year. In the process, a gender difference is becoming more and more apparent: women are missing more often than men.

According to the Federal Ministry of Health, over 3.5 per cent of the basic working time is said to be absenteeism altogether. The most frequently reported reasons include complaints of the musculoskeletal system, where back and neck pain may be in the foreground. But also respiratory diseases and injuries are on par. Especially at the beginning of the week, many absences were registered. Mental complaints are also among the most common reasons. Their appearance has increased in the last 20 years to almost double.

Here it can be speculated that many occupations today, unlike the situation 20 years ago, are characterized less by physical, than mental work. The stress has certainly increased. In natural medicine, the increase in the psychological causes of absenteeism is considered highly problematic and worthy of intervention. Many workers can no longer physically work off the stress. Sitting and increasing computer workplaces will certainly lead to an increase in back and neck problems. Also, many computer mouse work could increasingly lead to the occurrence of tenissarm discomfort, carpal tunnel syndrome or Ulnaris discomfort. Respiratory diseases are also likely to be related to the increase in allergic diseases, which often affect the respiratory system.

As there is always more positive news regarding the economic situation, not only in Germany, workers may also dare to stay at home. While many in times of crisis did not dare and went to work despite complaints, for fear of job loss. It is also conceivable that the stress or existential fears during the crisis now show their effects. (TF)

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