Pathogenic germs in mincemeat

Pathogenic germs in mincemeat / Health News

Stiftung Warentest finds harmful bacteria in minced meat products


Minced meat is relatively frequently contaminated with potential pathogens such as salmonella, according to a recent study by Stiftung Warentest. In about every second sample tested harmful bacteria were found, the Foundation reports. Therefore, minced meat should always be well-fried before consumption. At least two minutes at temperatures of 70 degrees Celsius or more are recommended here to reliably kill the germs.

Minced meat is used according to the announcement of Stiftung Warentest „as a basic ingredient for many favorite dishes of the Germans.“ In the current study, the inspectors scrutinized mixed minced meat and tested, among other things, the meat quality and germ burden. The sensory evaluation was also an essential test criterion. Taste, smell and mouthfeel were at six products „very well“ rated.

Microbiological contamination of minced meat products
In total, Stiftung Warentest has tested 21 minced meat products mixed with beef and pork - 16 of which are packaged products and five daily fresh items. Only ten of the minced meat products could enter the test „Well“ as an appraisal, and five products have been considered „sufficient“ rated. In the latter case, the microbiological burden was a significant factor in the poor performance of the products. „Salmonella was even detected in a hack“, so the message of the Stiftung Warentest. In general, the detection of potentially pathogenic bacteria (including antibiotic-resistant bacteria) in the minced meat products is extremely unpleasant. In the sensory evaluation, the fresh minced meat had done better than packaged, the latter contained on average, however, fewer germs. „The winner comes from the supermarket counter“ and the best packaged product - a organic mincemeat for 12 euros per kilogram - was only just behind, according to the Stiftung Warentest.

Organic minced meat with good results
Although one of the tested organic minced meat products has only been tested by the testers „sufficient“ The organic products were four times ahead of packaged meat, according to Stiftung Warentest. They were able to score with a very good sensor and the best organic minced meat was also the only product in the test „Very well“ in microbiology. From the consumption of raw minced meat, the testers still advise against general. In view of possibly contained unhealthy germs, the minced meat should be completely fried before consumption, the Stiftung Warentest reported. Daily fresh hack should be consumed on the same day and packaged by the latest on the consumption date.

Microbial contamination of meat products is often a problem
In the past, increased microbial loadings were relatively frequently found in studies of meat products. For example, in the past year, an investigation commissioned by the Green parliamentary group in packaged marinated grilled meat has proven antibiotic-resistant MRSA germs. Just over two weeks ago, BUND presented the results of a study in which almost 90 percent of tested turkey meat samples from discounters were found to contain antibiotic-resistant germs. The germ burden of meat products is especially for people with weakened immune system a not to be underestimated health risk, as a corresponding infection, for example, with massive gastrointestinal complaints such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting and at worst may be accompanied by dehydration due to fluid loss. (Fp)