Health insurance What will change in 2012?
Health insurance: What will change in the coming year 2012
Although there is no new health care reform at the turn of the year, some nonessential aspects of private as well as statutory health insurance are changing. For example, the health insurance companies have announced that they will have to forego additional contributions for the time being in the coming year. For private insurance (PKV) apply from 2012, new income limits and some providers want to raise their rates in part vigorously. What changes exactly next year, we show below in a general overview.
Almost no additional contributions
70 million cash patients in Germany can breathe again shortly next year. Last year, many health economists predicted increasing additional contributions. Due to the good economy and the lively labor market, however, the statutory health insurance (GKV) could produce a billion surplus. In the course of this, for example, the German Employees Health Insurance (DAK) in the context of a planned merger with the BKK health announced that it will abolish the previously raised additional contribution of eight euros per month again. Other health insurances want to follow the example, so that hardly a cashier will demand the additional balance. According to media reports, a total of nine health insurance companies have officially confirmed that they will abolish the additional contribution over the next year. The situation is currently only open at two company health insurance funds, BKK Hoesch and BKK Publik. Both coffers are still covered in this topic. Thus, at the current level of knowledge, nine of the eleven supplementary health insurance funds will abolish the lump-sum contribution.
Already in 2013 additional contributions
For a long time, the positive situation will not continue despite the drug savings package and the premium adjustments in 2011. This is due to the ongoing EU and banking crisis, which is already making itself progressively felt in the labor market. Economists therefore expect that at the latest in 2013 or 2014 many health insurance companies will have to resort again to the additional contribution, because the allocations from the health fund are no longer sufficient. Some studies even assume that soon it will no longer be a question of whether a health fund makes an additional contribution, but how high it is. In addition to the financial crisis, medical technology is also evolving. What is beneficial for the patient will make the overall care more expensive.
No contribution adjustments at the health insurance planned for 2012
In retrospect, two funds had to close their doors due to serious financial problems. The City BKK closed in mid-2011 and the BKK für Heilberufe will close at the end of the year. Both funds had demanded an additional contribution, both providers have ultimately failed because of high membership losses on the model. From circles of the Federal Government was to be heard that the minimization of the legal health insurance is quite desired to the market „clearer and more efficient“ to design. A renewed rise in regular contributions of currently 15.5 percent is not planned due to the positive financial development. Here, too, the black-yellow coalition relies on the households of the coffers. If the allocations are no longer sufficient, additional contributions should be levied.
PKV increases contributions to individual rates at the turn of the year
In contrast to the statutory health insurance individual providers of private health insurance (PKV) increase their tariffs significantly (in addition: PKV increases massively tariffs). Some premiums will rise by about 30 to 40 percent. The reasons for the rising prices are partly homemade. Of the tariff increases, especially the private health insurance companies are affected, who had advertised increasingly with low tariffs. Partial premiums of less than 100 euros per month were awarded. However, the expected change to the next higher tariffs has largely failed, which is why many insurance companies say goodbye to the model from 2012 again. In addition, many insured can no longer pay their contributions, which is why many companies have to complain about millions of dollars in debt. In response, the industry plans to set up a special PKV tariff for non-payers. In addition, the insurance companies have been required by court order to introduce so-called unisex tariffs (gender-neutral tariffs) by December 2012. There must be no unequal treatment of men and women in terms of tariff arrangements in private health insurance.
New income limits 2012
As in every year, income limits in health insurance and social security will be adjusted to the general wage and salary development by regulation at the turn of the year. Accordingly, the contribution assessment ceiling for nursing and health insurance rises from 44,550 euros to 45,900 euros per year. This translates into an increase of 3712.50 euros to 3825.00 euros per month. The compulsory insurance limit relevant for private insurance will be raised by 3.03 percent in 2012 to 50,850.00 euros per year or 4,237.50 euros per month. However, if you want to switch from public health insurance to private health insurance, you should exercise caution. Anyone who has changed once, for the doors of the statutory health insurance close almost without exception forever. (Sb)
Read about:
Health insurance funds create additional contributions
Private health insurance may terminate
Health insurance companies report billions in surplus
New PKV tariff for non-payers
Contributor: PKV increases massively tariffs
Picture: Berlin-pics