Health insurances let open additional contributions seize

Health insurances let open additional contributions seize / Health News

Health insurance: Seizure of open additional contributions has begun


Anyone who has not paid any additional health insurance contributions should do so as soon as possible. Some funds have begun to initiate a seizure with defaulted insured persons with the help of the Hauptzollämter.

High downtime costs burden health insurance companies
Only a minority of health insurance companies currently depend on the payment of additional contributions. But just the affected funds are massively dependent on the lump sum contributions and now begin to seize payment unwilling gradually. Experts assume that about 10 to 30 percent of the cash register members currently refuse to pay. The damage to the coffers is likely to move in the tens of millions. Actually, this is a public-law claim, which may in principle be driven only by the health insurance companies themselves. However, under certain conditions, individual legislations allow the collection by external help. The bureaucratic burden of health insurance clearly exceeds the capacity of the health insurance. The costs of collection by letter of reminder significantly reduce the targeted financial benefits of the additional contributions.

Customs offices are driving in missing additional contributions
The main customs office now comes to the rescue. The first statutory health insurance funds have already begun to submit the data of the payment deniers to the authorities. If a cashier refuses to pay the additional fee for months despite numerous requests for payment and reminders, a seizure is initiated. The authority will first try to claim the open amount by cover letter. However, this procedure is likely to entail further costs for the deny of payment. If an insured person subsequently still does not pay, the additional contributions are collected by way of wage or pension attachment. Also seizure of household goods and furnishings are possible.

How can a garnishment of the additional contribution be prevented??
Anyone who has refused to pay the additional fee should do so as soon as possible. A seizure can only be prevented if those affected report as soon as possible to their health insurance and pay the additional contribution including late payment. Who can not pay the open amount at once, should try to arrange a installment. However, the coffers are not obliged to do this. A legal „resistance“ can not.

Legal situation is clear
The legal situation stipulates that all insured persons must pay the additional contribution. Those who depend on unemployment benefits II payments must therefore pay the additional contribution as well as high income groups. The legislature and the health insurance make no difference here. The only way to escape the additional contribution, is the possibility of special termination in case of new collection or increase of the additional contribution. After notification by the health insurance, insured persons have the right to change within eight weeks. If you let this time pass, then you can only claim the regular termination right. (Sb)

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Image: Gerd Altmann,