Health insurance contributions are increased

Health insurance contributions are increased / Health News

The federal government plans to increase contributions to health insurance. In addition, an expansion of the additional contributions to the debate.

(03.07.2010) After months of tug-of-war between the Union and the FDP, the result is clear: The contributions to health insurance should be raised. Endless meetings, quarrels between the coalition partners, and countless commissions were needed to establish that contributions should be increased. The deficit of the funds must now iron out the insured, while the cost drivers of the pharmaceutical industry billions of profits.

According to now confirmed data, the contributions of the statutory health insurance funds should be raised by 0.6 percent. Half of the increase is to be borne by employees and one employer each. For example, if a worker earns 2000 euros gross a month, he will have to pay 6 euros a month or 72 euros a year more for health insurance. If someone earns significantly more, the insured pays a maximum of 11.25 euros more per month. The increase will certainly come into force from January 2011.

The coalition also plans to increase the additional contributions in principle. At present, some statutory health insurance companies levy flat-rate additional contributions from their insured persons. According to the previous regulation, the additional contributions may amount to one percent of the gross salary, but the Federal Government plans to increase the maximum rate of additional contributions to 2 percent. This means that in the future up to 75 euros per month can additionally be demanded by the health insurance companies from the insured per month. Most funds with additional contributions are currently content with an additional contribution of eight euros. But the financial situation of the health insurance companies is very tense, for the coming year, a deficit of a whopping 11 billion euros is expected.

According to the coalition agreement, the future deficit in health care should be compensated. The FDP planned to introduce a so-called head rate. These plans failed because of the resistance of the CSU. Officially, the contribution increases will be announced next Tuesday. On this day will also be to know how high the future additional contributions will be. Eight million Germans are already paying additional contributions. It is to be expected that, due to the strained situation, even more health insurance companies will follow suit and also levy additional contributions. (Sb)

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Picture: Rainer Sturm