Health insurance SBK raises 2011 no additional contribution

Health insurance SBK raises 2011 no additional contribution / Health News

The statutory health insurance SBK will charge no additional contribution in the coming year 2011. The health insurance company is currently preparing a draft budget without an additional contribution.

The Siemens Health Insurance SBK will raise no additional contribution in 2011. SBK had already given its insured a commitment by mid-2011 in the summer, which now extends it to the entire coming year.

SBK was one of the first health insurance companies to announce at the beginning of 2010 that it would not make an additional contribution throughout the year. Now, the health insurance prepares a draft budget, which also provides for 2011 no additional contribution. The budget drafts of the statutory health insurance funds must be submitted to the Federal Insurance Office by 1 December.

SBK relies on careful planning, is accounted for according to the strict criteria of the German Commercial Code, checks and audits this balance sheet by an auditor and makes your numbers accessible to everyone on the Internet. "If we announce a year 2011 with no additional contribution, it's not based on vague estimates, but on sound planning," says Dr. Hans Unterhuber, CEO of the SBK. The SBK was not awarded for its solid financial policy until August 2010: The German Financial Services Institute DFSI had analyzed on behalf of Focus Money, the financial strength of the statutory health insurance. The SBK received the grade "very good" with four other funds and ranked fourth overall in the top group of the financially strongest funds in Germany. In the valuation field "Transparency", the SBK is even in first place together with two other funds. (pm, 21.10.2010)