Health insurance Audi BKK without additional contribution 2012

Health insurance Audi BKK without additional contribution 2012 / Health News

The Audi BKK remains in 2012 without additional contribution


The company health insurance company Audi BKK has announced that it will not charge an additional contribution from its policyholders in the coming year. The board of directors of the fund decided this weekend in Ingolstadt, Bavaria.

The health insurance company Audi BKK does not want to charge additional contributions from the 450,000 insured persons next year. The board of directors of the fund has decided unanimously. As a result, it is unlikely that the members of the insurance fund will continue to pay contributions in 2012. "We were convinced that we would not have to make an additional contribution in the coming year," explained Audi BKK CEO Gerhard Fuchs. The fund has established reserves within the legally permissible framework, which also includes possible expenses for existing risks in the healthcare sector. However, long-term forecasts are hardly possible under the difficult conditions in the healthcare sector. „The reserves have been filled up, risks have been taken into account and we have again improved our situation compared to the previous year. Audi BKK gladly passes this success on to its members.“ How long this situation will last, however, is unclear.

Treasurer demands transparency of health insurance
However, the financial situation of some competitors on the cash market is far too opaque. The Audi BKK and some other health insurance companies publish according to the Commercial Code (HGB) voluntarily regularly their financial data. „We ensure transparency, thus offering our insured the security of trusting a high-performance health insurance company. In order to ensure fair competition and to be able to estimate possible risks in advance, we demand the disclosure of the finances of all funds according to uniform criteria.“ Tomas Borms, also on the board of the cash register, is convinced that the BKK will continue to present good figures. „Our health insurance convinced by performance and offer. We are going strong and confident into the coming year and will maintain our good competitive situation for the third year in a row without any additional contribution.“

DAK and BKK Gesundheit have announced their intention to discontinue their additional contribution in the course of the merger. From the ranks of the cash register community it hailed after announcement fiercest criticism. The cash competitors fear after a financial flop an unpredictable boomerang, which could endanger other health insurance. Of the 153, 133 coffers do not want to ask for additional contributions next year. (Sb)

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